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Monday, March 2, 2009

2009 in Review: February (#3-4)

Another month, and more movies! Not a ton though. February, like January, is never a truly great time for movies. It's usually when all the crap comes out! So without further ado:

Friday the 13th: I was looking forward to this movie, now I don't know why! I loved the original film of the same name this movie was rebooting. Sadly nothing new was given to us here. A newer plot, "hotter" actors, more sex and boobs. More partying. More gore. Same cliched jump scenes. These slasher movies are really just the same crap over and over again and I don't think a lot of people are getting that. None of them have stories (can't blame them, they aren't really meant to), they all have awful acting (again, that's part of the fun of these movies) and they all just follow the same exact routine of false scares. Same amount of death. Same amount of me not caring about any of them. Cliched, boring, and original. Sorry folks, hate me all you want. I was NOT looking for an Oscar caliber film here, obviously! I was looking for a new and original kick in the ass to the slasher film genre...but sadly I did not get that. Not even a hint of that. MY RATING: 1/2 out of ***** (This film is rated R).

The Uninvited: I won't lie, I was expecting to not like this movie but in actuality I really loved it! By no means is it a perfect horror thriller, but it was a lot better than I could have ever hoped for! Honestly, I thought this was a VERY fresh take in this particular genre. There are so many predictable ways this could have gone, but it never really took that course. Yes all the cliched jump moments were there as to be expected. But other than that, this was almost an intelligent horror thriller. I never really knew where it was going, and the big twist ending really got me! I had NO clue that was coming!! Usually you know how a movie like this will end, but for this one I was stumped and fooled and I loved that! Also some pretty good performances! I really liked Elizabeth Banks, should did a good job and creeping me out! Surprisingly good film, not very scary, but different and very enjoyable! MY RATING: ***1/2 out of ***** (This film is rated PG-13)

AVERAGE FEBRUARY MOVIE RATING: ** out of ***** (Saw 2 films)

Total films viewed in 2009 to date: 4