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Sunday, October 25, 2009

2009 Review #45: Fragments (AKA Winged Creatures)

Fragments (Winged Creatures)

Rated R
(violent content, sexuality and language)
1 hour 40 minutes

A group of strangers form a unique relationship with each other after surviving a random shooting at a Los Angeles diner.

Kate Beckinsale
Dakota Fanning
Guy Pearce
Forest Whitaker
Jennifer Hudson

Critics Grade:

My Grade:

Fragments (also known as Winged Creatures) is a film that tries to do the whole "Crash" and "Magnolia" thing. This is a more centralized story though. In the other films, peoples (who may or may not have ever met one another) lives and stories intersect and ultimately have a great message. This film begins with all the main characters being in the same place at the same time, and something happens to them all and the rest of the film is how they all deal with it. They are all in a diner and suddenly a man comes in and starts shooting a gun. He kills a couple people and injures one.

I'm going to say right now, you never find out who this shooter really is and why he did this. Never. In fact they don't show any aspect of the investigation into this man and we don't get any glimpse into his personal life. It's as if his character had no role in the film. That kind of angered me a little. I didn't need some huge chunk of the film dedicated to him, but he was the reason the film existed. His actions catapulted the films storyline, but we never learn a thing about him.

The rest of the film follows the main group of people, played by an "all-star" cast. I don't care to list them all, but overall the cast was very good. Oscar nominee Dakota Fanning (I Am Sam, War of the Worlds) has usually always annoyed the living hell out of me. I'm not a fan. She always performs her roles way to "grown up" and you can totally tell she's trying to "act" and not just "be". I never saw I Am Sam so I have no comment on that film. Here she is basically the same old same old. Most of the movie her character annoyed me because her performance annoyed me. However in the final act, I must admit she was very very good. I think the stand out performance was probably Josh Hutcherson (Zathura, Journey to the Center of the Earth). In a movie full of big named actors, his performance was the most sincere and most authentic, and he didn't even have that many speaking lines. He did a great job conveying his emotions and reactions towards what happened.

The main issue was this film was that it had no direction. I had no clue where this movie was going. There was supposed to be a message here, but for the life of me I do not know what it was. There were way to many characters to focus on and some of them weren't even involved in the shooting. The film was SUPPOSED to be about how these characters lives changed after the tragic event but I feel like that got lost in the mix somewhere. The story was sort of a jumbled mess. Some of the story arcs either went nowhere or really had no reason to exist. For instance the storyline of Guy Pearce (Memento, LA Confidential) and his wife...what was that about? OK his character just barely missed the shooting at the diner...but I don't understand how his story even pertains to anything. I didn't get the connection. This movie was full of missed connections. Or Oscar winner Jennifer Hudsons (Dreamgirls) role...there was nothing pertinent about it. That was a huge issue with this film. WAY to many characters with WAY to many useless storylines. If there was a message it got lost in all the clutter.

The film was shot really well, I did love the way it looked. The film kept cutting back to the shooting and giving us more pieces to the puzzle. It's a shame those pieces really led to nothing at all. It had some fairly decent writing when it made sense. It wasn't an awful screenplay, just there was to much packed in. That will really lose an audience, and it nearly lost me. It left no breathing room for any real character development. Wow as I write this, I realize how much I didn't really like this film. I really want to like it, because it has this quality of being a good film but I don't know how to explain it. This is a good film that is wrapped up in a very bad film. Does that make sense?? Probably not.

This is one of those movies I can't honestly suggest to anyone as something to go out and rent. However, if you have seen all the movies you wanted to see and need something to fill time...please rent this one because I want to know how you feel about it. I'm totally lost with this movie. Or if you see it on HBO or something like that...just check it out, I'm curious to know what people think. I don't know. Like I said it had a good production value and the performances were really good it just lost a TON of points on story. That's not good for a movie. But you be the judge.

2009 Review #44: Sin Nombre

Sin Nombre
(Foreign Language Film)

Rated R
(violence, language and some sexual content)
1 hour 39 minutes

Honduran teenager Sayra reunites with her father, an opportunity for her to potentially realize her dream of a life in the U.S. Moving to Mexico is the first step in a fateful journey of unexpected events.

Paulina Gaitan
Edgar Flores II

Critics Grade:

My Grade

I'm not in the mood to write some super lengthy review today. But I will give it my best shot to review the Spanish language film, Sin Nombre, now available on DVD. The movie opened up limited back in March and was very well received by the critics, and deservedly so. A lot of people have a hard time sitting through foreign language films, I was one of those people up until about 2 years ago. I'll be the first person to tell you that it is not that bad folks. People think they won't be able to focus on the action because they have to read the movie, well that simply isn't true. It's very easy to read the subtitles and stay up with the action on the screen. If you can't muster the strength to sit through a foreign film, you are truly missing out because they are some of the better movies out there.

Sin Nombre follows a young woman from Honduras who is traveling with her uncle and estranged father, up Mexico to reach the states. They are trying to flee Mexico with hundreds of other immigrants to try to find a better life here in the US. We also have the story of a young man who's knee deep in a Mexican gang but clearly wants out. He gets himself into some serious trouble and has to go on the run which is where he meets the young woman and her family. The two of them, who are completely different, share this journey and each others company. There are hints of something "more" developing but they walk in much different shades of life, so it could never really be.

This is a beautifully crafted film on almost every single level. Everything from stunning cinematography to a masterfully written screenplay. There is some really great and inspiring writing here. It's the sort of tale we've kind of seen before, but told in such a different and beautiful way. At least I thought so. It was captivating and at times riveting. It pulled you in, you really root for these characters. What I also loved was how authentic the film felt. There were times when I felt I was watching a documentary about the risks and scares of immigration. We here in the states, or at least a lot of us, look down on immigrants and say ignorant things like "go back to your country" but when you see a movie like this you tend to lose that mentality. This is a scary real film. Honestly, I have a new outlook on the issue. I feel bad for people like this film depicts. The film also has some solid performances. Realistic performances I should say. They really helped bring this film to a whole new level.

This isn't a movie for everyone. It can be hard to watch at times. It does get violent, and the scary thing is, is that this stuff is happening right now today. Anyway, I highly suggest you at least try this film out. Don't let the subtitles bring you down. This is a brilliant, brilliant film that you should definitely check out! I loved this movie. It was excellent! That's what Mikey says!!

DVD Update Reviews (10/25/2009)

Hey gang! Well it's been a while since I've done a DVD update blog. These are the movies I've watched recently that aren't a new 2009 flick. I like to keep track of what I've seen ya know? Primarily because I'm a geek, but ain't nothing wrong with that right? So I haven't really watched a ton of "older" movies in the past month or so, but I'm going to at least let you know what I've seen. So here ya go!

Wind Chill (2007, 1 hour 31 minutes, Rated R): I feel sorry for Emily Blunt for chosing to do a film like this. I don't know why she thought she had to do it, she's a good actress who's been in fairly big films. She's becoming a "big" name now. This movie is ridiculous in a very bad way. Essentially there is no point to the film. It's a cluttered mess. Things happen that are never explained so they come off as looking like really poor editing. This is supposed to be horror/ghost movie but there is no scares whatsoever. The "ghosts" are laughable. Just like the storyline and the performances. These characters lightly crashed into a soft patch of snow and somehow the guy breaks a bone and is bleeding and slowly dying. That's how badly done this film was. I would say it's not ever worth your time, but some people get a kick out of this type of movie, and that's great! Not for me though, not for me at all. My Grade: D-


Dead End (2003, 1 hour 25 minutes, Rated R): Man alive there are cheesy straight to DVD movies and then there are straight to DVD movies like Dead End. I don't know if words could possibly describe how awful this movie is. I know it was meant to be funny and cheesy and sometimes I have fun with that, but this movie was so stupid that all the attempts at humor escaped me. I would recommend this movie though to people who enjoy a campy, corny, cliched horror flick, but for me it was one of the dumbest, and worst straight to DVD movies I've ever seen! The acting from some of these people was horrendous. Ugh, this movie sucked! My Grade: F


Eden Lake (2008, 1 hour 31 minutes, Rated R): Eden Lake is essentially another torture porn flick like we've all grown used to since the Saw/Hostel movies first debuted. Personally I didn't like this movie all that much, mainly because I'm so sick and tired of gore and torture being used in horror movis to provoke's getting old and is NOT scary! This movie is just sick. It's gross. However it was filmed rather well and had some solid performances. This movie just isn't my cup of tea, because I don't like getting the feeling of nausea while watching a film. It has some redeeming qualities, and it's not a BAD movie...but overall I wasn't a fan of the movie. My Grade: C-


Grindstone Road (2008, 1 hour 33 minutes, Rated R): This is a cliched spookfest if there ever was one. This follows the exact same formula as all those American, Japanese remake movies we keep seeing a couple times a year. A ghost is trying to communicate with a woman about solving their murder, and is leaving clues. No one believes said woman, and people think she's nuts. Blah blah blah, we've seen this a million times before, and done a lot better than this movie. You can pretty much figure out who the "killer" is/was, and the whole story is utterly predictable. Bad performances, poor production value, crappy writing = one piss poor horror film. Not the worst I've ever seen, just not one I'd ever suggest anyone watch. It's not even funny in a bad way. Blah! My Grade: D


Stuck (2007, 1 hour 25 minutes, Rated R): This movie has a cool premise: a woman on the verge of a big promotion gets wasted on drugs and alcohol and hit's a random bum but does not call the police or take him to the hospital. He is stuck in her windshield and she leaves him in the garage. He is not dead, and he struggles to get free while she goes about her life. I wish the movie was as interesting as the plot. Apparently this is something that happened in real life...sort of. Some of this movie was pretty good, it had some good tense moments. Then there were times when it dragged on or became annoying. This isn't a perfect movie, and it's not even a great movie. Overall though, I'd say it was pretty entertaining and just an OK, average flick. It has flaws but it also has some cool aspects. Performances are fairly standard. Production value is pretty good. Writing could have used some work. It also could have been a bit more suspensful. But I don't know, I'm right in the middle on this flick. I can't recommend it either way. So I'll leave it up to you. My Grade: C


So that's all I have for now! Hope you like what I had to say...I know it wasn't very nice this time around. As usual, all these films are available on DVD!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2009 Review #43: Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are

Rated PG
(mild thematic elements, some adventure action and brief language)
1 hour 41 minutes

An adaptation of Maurice Sendak's classic childrens story, where Max, a disobedient little boy sent to bed without his supper, creates his own world--a forest inhabited by ferocious wild creatures that crown Max as their ruler.

Max Records
Catherine Keener

With the Voices of:
James Gandolfini
Lauren Ambrose
Catherine O'Hara
Forest Whitaker
Chris Cooper
Paul Dano

Critics Grade:

My Grade:

Like most people in my age range, I read the Maurice Sendak novel, "Where the Wild Things Are" when I was a child. It is a beloved classic and probably the most memorable childhood book I read, and I know a lot of others can say the same. It told the story of a young boy who's imagination had no boundaries and he meets these incredible creatures called the wild things and he becomes king of their land. Never in a million years did I think they would adapt this tale into a major motion picture, but dammit to hell, I'm so glad they did! The film version of "Where the Wild Things Are" is hands down one of the very, very best films of 2009. I can even foresee a potential best picture nominee with the new extended 10 nominee bracket.

Everything I loved about the book from many years ago is right here in this movie and then some! Oscar nominated writer/director Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovich, Adaptation) gave life and personalities to the wild things for the big screen adaption. He gives them storyline, he gives them heart, he humanizes them. Each one of them is so very unique and quite different from one another. They are funny, and they are sad. They are just like you and me...except they are 9 foot tall furry creatures with scary looking faces. But I applaud Jonze for bringing these wild things to life for us to care about even more.

Then we have Max, the little boy who's the focus of the film. We get a glimpse into his home life. He has this incredible and vivid imagination and wants to share that with everyone around him but no one wants to listen. Everyone is either to "cool" or to busy to play along with Max. But Max isn't a perfect, cute little boy. He shows signs of potentially having some kind of bi-polar disorder or at the very least some deep rooted anger issues. He tries to get attention from his mom, Oscar nominee Catherine Keener (Being John Malkovich, Into the Wild) but she isn't rresponding the way he wants. So he lashes out at her. His imagination becomes to much for her at times. He runs away and long story short, comes across an island where he meets the wild things. They are just like him. They listen to him. They care for him. They are led by him. They are everything he wants, but at the same time they are nothing that he needs.

I know what you are thinking...this all sounds a little dramatic for a childrens movie. Well here's the thing, if you want to take your young child to see a kid friendly movie...don't take them to see this film. This is a movie that will probably bore the hell out of a kid under the age of thirteen. It isn't flashy or colorful, in fact it's quite somber and dark at times. Literally and also in tone as well. This isn't exactly a sweet story, it does tend to lean towards "depressing" at times. There is a message to be learned, but I don't think the younger kids will grasp onto it. This is a movie, I think, meant more for the younger adults or for parents. I think it's geared more towards people who read the book all those years ago. It has a wonderfully brilliant story to tell, and it is incredibly well written but kids are just not going to get it.

The writing, as I stated, is superb! It's simplistic enough for an adult, but it is also very deep. We as adults might even learn a thing or two from this story. Some of the best writing I've seen a film all year. The direction is also quite stunning. Jonze really captures this mythical world with some true beauty. One thing I really loved was the choice NOT to make this an animated film. There is no sense of realism or danger in animation. Here we have this real young actor running and jumping around with these beasts in the woods. It makes the feel of the film so much more authentic and you connect a lot easier to the characters and story that way.

It has some beautiful cinematography as well. This film was shot extremely well. Like I mentioned earlier, it's a very "grim" looking film. A lot of dark tones, a lot of dreariness. They are all accented well with some dark characters and dialog but also there are some wonderful moments of genuine happiness and humor to balance it all out. It is not ALL dread, there is PLENTY of positivity in this film.

I want to point out that young Max Records did a phenomenal job in his performance. I was very surprised by how convincing he was as the little boy with the same name. This was not your typical child performance, this kid was freaking great! Max is not all happiness and joy, he actually has moments of getting on your nerves. He's a real kid, I guess is my point. Then there's moments of his vulnerability that subtlety shows his adult side, or his adult like thinking. Maybe Max is well beyond his years. But deep down, Max is a kid with an awesome imagination and a free spirit. And Records does such a great job at showcasing all shades of of Max's personality. You love him, you hate him (how can you hate a little boy right??), you root for him, you feel sad for him. Really good job!

I was also a fan of all the voice over acting. They really found the perfect cast for this movie. None of them are "huge" stars. None of them have had huge summer blockbuster films. But they added such a human tone to these creatures. They were humorous, they were at times scary, they were depressing, they were very human like. Some of them you didn't like at times, and some of them you loved and felt really bad for. This voice cast did a fantastic job at bringing life to the wild things, and made the film a wonderful experience.

So in the end...this is a MUST SEE film for young adults all the way to the oldies but goodies (hehe). A wonderfully written screenplay, brilliant directing, and some truly great and heartfelt performances. This movie can move you and inspire you. It will touch your heart. The only downfall is that it looks like a kids movie, but really this is not a film for young children. I would say not to bring the kids, not because it's bad or scary...but because most kids won't get it and the movies pacing is pretty slow and kids WILL be bored by it. But other than that...please, please, please go see this film!! It is THAT good! Brilliant even! It may even be my favorite movie so far this year...I don't know. Go see it, and you be the judge!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

2009 Review #42: Drag Me to Hell

Drag Me to Hell

Rated PG-13
(sequences of horror violence, terror, disturbing images and language)
1 hour 39 minutes

A loan officer ordered to evict an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse, which turns her life into a living hell. Desperate, she turns to a seer to try and save her soul, while evil forces work to push her to a breaking point.

Alison Lohman
Justin Long
Lorna Raver

Critics Grade

My Grade:

When I first saw the trailer for Drag Me to Hell...I laughed. I thought this movie looked insanely stupid and corny as hell. I thought this was just another one of those dumb horror movies we see over and over again with really bad special effects, awful acting, a pathetic storyline, etc. I didn't see this movie in theaters, even though it opened to extremely rave reviews. I finally saw this movie yesterday via Netflix. I'm so bummed I did not see this movie in theaters.

This is easily the most ridiculous horror movie in years. It's about a woman who is cursed by a gypsy type old lady, because she would not give her an extension on her loan...and then chaos ensues. This isn't your typical chaos either. This is one MESSED UP curse!! The woman is haunted by the old gypsy lady, she has various bugs crawling in and out of her body, she has shadow demon things punching her in the face and throwing her around like a rag doll, she has a weird ghostly handkerchief with a face on it following her around...yeah...freaking weird I know!

But this is the kinda weird that's good...real good. Shockingly good! I was so surprised by how much I like this movie. Drag Me To Hell is a total 100% throwback to 70's and 80's horr
or films. It was directed by Sam Rami who did not only Spiderman, but also the Evil Dead series way back when. Evil Dead was a "freaky" movie but it was also really funny. Just like Drag Me to Hell. It isn't really all that scary (at least to me it wasn't, but I know it will scare many other people), but it's kinda freaky in a weird way, but also funny. Intentionally funny I will have you know! That is what Rami does, and he does it well. There were so many over the top sequences that had you laughing, but had you completely and utterly entertained. I loved every minute of it.

That's what this movie comes down to: entertaining. It's not going to rack up any awards, but that can't stop you from enjoying it. Hell it has a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes...that's insane for a horror movie! It's because it grabs your attention from the get go and never lets up. It never gets boring, it never drags (pun intended) it's just damn good fun! Everything about it was good. The acting was good, which was nice to see. Alison Lohman (White Oleander, Matchstic k Men) was perfect for this movie. She doesn't have a big name in Hollywood, so it worked well for her because she isn't some big star. She was funny and convincing. So great to see Justin Long (Jeepers Creepers, Accepted) in a role like this. He didn't really play the funny guy, more so he played the caring and sweet boyfriend, and I thought he did a great job!

The production of this film was awesome as well. That's where the real 80's throwback came from for me. The effects were really good but in a super cheesy way. Again, I believe this was intentional. They weren't these beautiful and masterful effects shots like what we see in MOST summer blockbusters these days. They were ridiculous and so obviously CGI but they worked so wonderfully for this movie. It captured the essence of the film perfectly. That goes f or the screenplay as well. It was so bizarre but at the same time really well written if that makes any sense. The whole production of the film had this very "classic" feel to it, you know what I mean? It felt and looked like a vintage film and it was so great to look at!

This is by no means a perfect horror film, but you can't really judge this movie to much. It is NOT meant to be taken seriously, it is meant to provide some fun thrills and some great wholesome entertainment and it seriously succeeds in doing that. This is a very good, "bad" film. I know that made no sense to most of you, but whatever, I know I what I mean! It's not a film for everyone for sure, but at the same time it IS only PG-13. This is probably the best PG-13 horror film you are going to find. Not a lot of bad language, no sex or nudity (very unique for a horror movies these days), but quite a bit of gore and violence. So be cautious when showing it to young don't want them to have nightmares...or do you??

But whatever, Drag Me to Hell works as a classy throwback horror film. It's damn good fun, and it's damn entertaining! At least it is in my book...if that means anything to you!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

2009 Review #41: Zombieland

Rated R
(horror violence/gore and language, with brief nudity)
1 hour 20 minutes

In the horror comedy Zombieland focuses on two men and two women who have found a way to survive a world overrun by zombies...

Critics Grade:

My Grade:

A lot of people have compared this film to the 2004 zombie comedy Shaun of the Dead but I think it's a bad comparison. OK yes, both are comedies about zombies, but to me they are two different films. Shaun of the Dead is essentially a borderline spoof comedy about zombie flicks. Zombieland is a straight forward comedy about a world taken over by zombies. This movie is basically the type of movie Shaun of the Dead was making fun I making any sense?? Probably not. I loved Shaun of the Dead. IF we are having to compare both of these films, I say Shaun of the Dead wins my vote by a landslide. However Zombieland is no crappy movie by any stretch.

I think Zombieland is a pretty darn good and very entertaining flick. It's actually one of the better comedies I've seen this year (but I haven't seen a ton this year). They are not alike in anyway, but this movie is a much better comedy than The Invention of Lying (check out my review!). This one at least stays consistently funny and has a few genuine laugh out loud moments. The cast here works so well together as well, this cast makes sense. Story wise, there isn't much to to tell. Four strangers, who are the last humans on earth, meet each other and stick together to fight off the zombie Apocalypse while they try to survive each other.

So you don't have much of a screenplay here, at least nothing to extravagant. What we have here is a small, but incredibly entertaining main cast (and one awesome cameo) that drives this movie. We've seen this sort of thing a lot before, of course, but at least this film takes some fun risks that pay off. I'm so glad to see Woody Harrelson (Semi-Pro, No Country for Old Men) back in movies, that guy simply rocks! For me, he was the best part of this movie. Him and his damn Twinkies! He is great at playing that funny man that you kinda love to hate at times. Jesse Eisenberg (
Advetureland) is becoming kinda big now eh? I didn't care for him all that much in Adventureland (what's with these "land" movies he's doing??), but he worked really well here! He was perfect for this movie, and his type of character was a good fit for this film. He was funny too, not so much in that other "land" movie. I also have to say how WEIRD it was to see cute little Oscar nominee Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine, Signs) wielding a shotgun and shooting zombies...but I liked her in the movie. It was just creepy to see her like this.

I've seen and heard people asking if this movie is "scary" and I even saw a person in the audience covering their face during a scene. My answer is that no, of course this movie is not's a comedy for crying out loud! There are one or two jump scenes though, is that considered scary? For a movie about zombies, there isn't much zombie action. At least not consistent zombie action. But when they are on screen, it's awesome. Especially the ways some of them are killed. The car door to the zombie's face is great! The last major scene of the film contains the most zombies, and there are a lot of them. But the first 2 acts of the movie is more about the living characters. So's not "scary". If anything, it's a fun kind of scary.

I do highly recommend this movie to people! It is a little violent...of course. There is a slow motion scene of a partially nude zombie woman. There are a few bad words here and there. So what I'm getting at...don't take the young kids to see it, it's not for them. Teenagers probably, but not the youngins. But this is just a super entertaining zombie comedy that I think anyone could completely enjoy! I did...very much so!

2009 Review #40: Away We Go

Rated R
(language and some sexual content)
1 hour 38 minutes

A couple who is expecting their first child travel around the U.S. in order to find a perfect place to start their family. Along the way, they have misadventures and find fresh connections with an assortment of relatives and old friends who just might help them discover "home" on their own terms for the first time.

John Krasinski

Critics Grade:

My Grade:

I just recently watched "Away We Go" on Netflix. This is a movie I wanted to see, but I honestly didn't have any high hopes for it being a great film. This isn't a great film, at least not in my eyes. However, it is a very good film; a well made one. This is one of those oddball independent films sort of along the same lines as Juno or maybe even something like Little Miss Sunshine, both of which are films I very much enjoyed. Both were Best Picture nominees as well. I don't think Away We Go will make the shortlist (actually the extended list this year), but that does not mean it's a bad movie.

This film is a dark comedy, or moreover a dark dramedy. It doesn't have any super hilarious moments, but it's funny in a quirky, strange kinda way. The writing of the film gets a little weird at times which reflects through a couple truly bizarre cameo characters. I think the screenplay and the humor might fly over a lot of peoples heads (I don't mean some people are stupid, I mean that the humor here is to out there for some people's liking). I think there were a few parts that were meant to be funny, but I didn't get. Really though, this is more of a dramatic tale of a couple trying to find the right home for their soon to be born baby. In that aspect, this movie is incredibly well written. It has a genuinely sweet and charming story and I really loved the couple that we follow the whole film. There was nothing daring about the screenplay, and it had some cliche touches, but overall, a solid written story.

The performances were also quite enjoyable. John Krasinski (TV's The Office) might as well change his name to Jim Halpert because that's all people really know him as these days. I love him on The Office and it's shame he's been virtually snubbed for any award attention for that show, because I think he's very funny. He's taken a few shots at the big screen, but for me this is his big moment in film. His dramatic turn in this film is excellent. He plays a lovable character that is impossible to hate. He did a fantastic job at portraying this character, and he has major promise for when The Office says it's final goodbye...whenever that may be. I don't know to much about Maya Rudolph (TV's Saturday Night Live), but I know that this is basically her first genuine starring role in a film. Boy oh boy does she nail it! I loved her in this movie, I thought she did a great job! Her and Krasinski both play these incredibly fun people who you just instantly love. She isn't the "bitchy" pregnant girlfriend, she's sweet and funny. Rudolph really demonstrates that even the funny ladies can deliver a star performance in film.

The movie also has a slew of pretty funny cameos: Allison Janney, Jim Gaffigan, Jeff Daniels, Catherine O'Hara and Maggie Gyllenhaal. All played characters who the two leads meet up with on their journey across the country to find the perfect home. They were all perfect fits, and were all so different and added some great balance to the film. The movie looked good too. The direction from Oscar winner Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Revolutionary Road) was awesome. He's known for his dark, dramatic films about messed up families so this was a cool change of pace for him and I though he did a brilliant job piecing this story together.

This movie is now available to rent or own...I suggest you go out and rent this flick at least. It's well worth watching once, but you do have to be "in" to this kinda of quirky, independent that's its main downfall, that it doesn't appeal to a broader audience. But...I know plenty of people who love this kind of movie, so for you I say...see it!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2009 Review #39: The Invention of Lying

The Invention of Lying

Rated PG-13
(language including some sexual material and a drug reference)
1 hour 40 minutes

A comedy set in a world where no one has ever lied, until a writer seizes the opportunity for personal gain.

Ricky Gervais
Jennifer Garner
Rob Lowe

Critics Grade:

My Grade:

Well the last movie Ricky Gervais brought us was Ghost Town, which was a freaking hilarious movie that I loved! He also is the creator of the British The Office which of course inspired the American version we have today. He's a funny man. There's no denying that. However, I don't really know if his brand of comedy worked this time around.

The movie has a really cool, funny idea: what if the entire world did not know the concept of telling a lie. Not even a harmful little white lie. What if everyone said exactly what they thought and felt at that moment? It would be one messed up world right? Well the characters in this movie are shockingly honest...because that's all they know. That is where all the comedy comes from in this movie. I have to admit there were a lot of very brutal but hilarious comments said in this film. But after a while, they grew kinda tiresome. They got old real quick. The jokes lasted to long. Don't get me wrong, it was a "funny" movie, but not consistently funny. I never laughed out loud (or LOL'd to some of you text savvy people) in this movie. It just got a few hearty chuckles out of well as the audience I was with. Actually there was a lot of dead silence through a handful of the "funny" moments. I don't think most people "got it". I don't think I did.

The writing was OK, but it could have been better. It had an interesting premise, but a pretty bland and unoriginal storyline. It ends up being this gimmicky romantic comedy by the conclusion of the film. It's predictable. It's actually kind of boring. Not awful, It had some good performances though. Ricky Gervais has perfect comedic timing and I hope he does more films. I like his genre of comedy. Most of the time. For me the star of the film was Jennifer Garner (TV's Alias, Juno). I was really impressed with her work here. She was perfect for this character. She was funny. She was blunt. She was great, and I'm not normally a huge fan of her movies. This film also had a slew of cool, sometimes funny cameos or small roles: Rob Lowe, Tina Fey, Louis C.K., Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Jeffrey Tambor and Jonah Hill. It was a good cast.

Overall, I thought the movie was kinda funny but also kinda a snoozefest. Ricky Gervais is capable of being so much better than this. I was not impressed with the overall film. However, I think some people will still enjoy it. I can't recommend that you go out and pay for it full price, but maybe see it at your dollar theater in a few months, or just wait for the DVD. That's my thought.

Friday, October 2, 2009

2009 Review #38: Paranormal Activity

Rated R
1 hour 39 minutes

A happy, carefree couple is haunted by a demonic spirit and their story is captured on camera.


My Grade

I have been waiting a solid two years for this movie to finally be released. Technically it hasn't been "released" yet. It's only playing in a grand total of 33 cities in the entire country, and it's only getting exclusive midnight showings just for this current weekend. There is a rumor floating that the movie will be getting a more wide release in 40 markets, with more normal show times starting October 9th, and I really hope this is true. This is a movie that every fan of horror should see. THIS is a true horror movie. THIS movie shows you do not need a drop of blood, you don't need any torture scenes, you don't need any clichéd jump scenes, you don't need ANY of that to unnerve an audience. This is absolutely one of the best horror film's I've seen and yes I have to say it is probably the most creepy and scariest film's I've seen. That comes with a side note though, more on that later.

The story is very simple. A young San Diego couple is haunted by something in their house. They believe it is a demon who has been following the Katie character. They don't think it's the house that's haunted, but it's her who is haunted. So they can't go anywhere, that this thing won't follow. That's the first element of creepy in this movie. The movie is all hand held camera, but not all that shaky. We see the day time drama between the two, and we get a great glimpse into their relationship and you quickly love both of them and root for them. They were very believable as a couple, which just adds to the realism of the film. At night they have a camera set up in the bedroom to capture any strange happenings. And there are some straaaaannge happenings.

The performances of these two were shockingly good and extremely authentic. This movie is not real, but it felt as if we were watching actual lost footage. Their performances were not clean and never seemed scripted. They spoke like actual people and not all "Hollywood". Like I mentioned above, their realism as a couple and as normal people added so much to the likability of these characters as well as the tension of the film. You really felt for these guys. They also were quite funny, which just was a nice benefit to them as well as the movies story. Their humor eased the tension at times, which is needed for a film like this.Now on to what everyone really wants to know: is this movie as scary as everyone says it is? My answer: no. It was just a tad bit overhyped, and I fell victim to the hype. I now wish I had seen no previews for the film, or had read so much about it because it would have been a much more terrifying movie to experience. The preview was also way to revealing. HOWEVER, this movie IS extremely creepy and has some pretty darn scary moments and most of it is just so unnerving and tense. It may not have been super scary, but it was easily the creepiest movie I've ever seen (mind you I don't get scared easily in movies, and this movie creeped me out like no movie has since there ya go).

The movie was as realistic as watching one of your own home movies. THAT is why this movie is so scary. You can relate to these people, you can relate to hearing weird noises in your home. So you immediately connect with their situation. You find yourself immersed in their world so easily. When things start happening, it is done with no obvious visual effects or CGI. The visuals in this movie were incredible. This movie was made for $11,000, and had more impressive visuals than it's millions of dollar counterpart: Cloverfield. I had NO clue how they pulled off the stuff they did in this film, and I don't even care to find out.

The first half of the film is all build up, but it does have some freaky moments. Simple things like doors opening and closing, footsteps, banging on the walls, etc. It really builds up some intensity and you just KNOW something is going down by the end of this thing. In the first half when all the nightvision scenes come on, you can't help but feel a little nervous that something crazy is going to happen. When something really scary doesn't happen, you don't feel let down, at least I didn't, because that makes it more tense. The events escalate throughout the film. The second half is probably the scariest stuff I've ever seen in a movie, especially that final twenty minutes. I also want to point out that NONE of the scares were over the top and never became way to much. They were never laughable. For the most part all the scares were simplistic which just made it that much more freaky! I don't want to reveal ANY of the scares though.

There is a scene in this movie that really freaked me out as well as the audience, but I'm not about to reveal what it was. But it was just so unsettling and trippy that it made me partially uncomfortable to sleep in my bed. It has something to do with the bed, and everyone who has seen it probably knows what I'm talking about. It was THE most convincing and terrifying effect I think I've ever seen in any horror movie, and it was brilliant and scary.Also the last scene was super tense. I already knew what was going to happen, if you've seen the trailer, you can put two and two together and pretty much know how the movie will end. However, the minute leading up to the final scene was SO intense and I won't lie...even though I knew what was about to happen, my heart was racing. It was eerily quiet for a good 30 seconds, then....well....I won't go on. Ugh, gives me the heebie jeebies.

This movie may not scare everyone, but I will be honest with scared me. Now that I'm here writing about it, and thinking about it...yes, this is easily the creepiest movie I've ever seen and I urge everyone to see it! It wasn't AS scary as it could have been though, if that makes any sense. But yeah...really freaky. It will give a lot of people nightmares, and it will make a lot of people to go home and sleep in their bed. Who knows what's really going on? I also just want to point out that this is a good movie in general. It is worthy of its current 92% on rotten tomatoes. Simple but entertaining and engaging story, realistic characters who you tend to love, and some great creep out moments! It was really entertaining, and I know for a fact already it will be my favorite horror movie of 2009 and really one of my favorite horror movies ever.

If you can...please go and see this movie...NOW! Really good movie.

2009 Review #37: Sugar


Rated R
(Language, some sexuality and brief drug use)
2 hours

Dominican baseball star Miguel "Sugar" Santos is recruited to play in the U.S. minor-leagues.

Algenis Perez Soto
Rayniel Rufino
Andre Holland
Michael Gaston

Critics Grade:

My Grade:

I'm going to try to keep this review nice and simple. This crazy of schedule of mine has been eating away at my free time, so I can't go into great detail with any of these reviews...sadly.
Sugar is a fantastic movie. In terms of sports related films, this will rank as one of my top favorites. I honestly believe it is one of the best films so far in 2009, and it's a shame that virtually knows it even exists. It's primarily a foreign language film, and I know that usually turns most audiences off. But it is barely a distraction.

The film was well written and quite moving. This isn't JUST a baseball movie. This is a character study about how much pressure young kids trying to get into the majors really have to go through. The character of Sugar was a pretty true to life characterization I thought. His struggles on and off the field were heartbreaking to watch at times. You really root for this guy, and hope he succeeds in his baseball and life dreams.

The fimaking was super good too. I had no real problems with it. The performances were authentic and gritty and were the best parts of the film. The screenplay was brilliant just like this movie. I'm sorry I have to half ass this review, I just don't have much time anymore. If you see this movie at Blockbuster or on Netflix, see it. Especially if your into a good dramatic sports film. I don't think you will be dissapointed. I loved it!