Rated R
Running time: 1 hr 34 mins
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
* out of *****
Subject Matter:
Determined to find out the true effects of marijuana on the human body, stand-up comedian and former Stoner of the Year Doug Benson documents his experience avoiding pot for 30 days and then consuming massive amounts of the drug for 30 days. More than just an amusing story of one man's quest to get superhigh, this documentary also examines the hotly contested debate over medical marijuana use.
Super High Me is almost a spoof movie in itself. It essentially spoofs the critical hit, "Super Size Me" from a few years ago. However instead of a man going around getting fat and nearly killing himself off of McDonald's food, we have a man (comic Doug Benson) smoking pot non-stop. Well first he goes 30 full days without smoking any marijuana then goes 30 full days smoking pot all day. To those who chuckle from this premise, you may be a pot head, or once were one.
This movie is not interesting in the least. It really provides no actual insight into the world of drugs. Nothing we as a country didn't already know. Really this movie is an excuse for a man to smoke weed constantly on camera. Doug Benson is known as one of the top pot comics in the country. I'm sad there is such a list. I don't judge pot smokers for smoking pot, I just think when you are in your 30's and 40's and smoking weed is the best thing you can do for fun, you may not lead an amazing life.
To be an actual legit documentary, the movie brings us glimpses of insight into the medical marijuana life. We see clinics being shut down by the DEA even though it's technically legal in some states like California. However even these moments take a back seat to Doug Benson rattling off pot jokes and talking nonsense in front of the camera due to being high. He even goes to a doctor before and after and really learns that there is not much of a change from not smoking pot to smoking pot all the time. Almost as if it's an actual advertisement for pot.
Super High Me is really kind of a childish documentary in my eyes. I mean many people may actually enjoy a movie like this, especially the pot smokers of the world. To me smoking pot in this regard is not cool in my personal book. I've never smoked pot. I've never done a drug in my life. I've barely consumed alcohol. I personally have never been a fan of any of it. I don't like what it does to people. I don't like the fact that people have to drink or do drugs to actually feel emotions like happiness. That stuff should come naturally. But this is just MY opinion. I'm not saying I hate potheads and alcoholics. And I'm not saying other people won't like this movie. I just didn't, that's all.

To view this films trailer, click this link: Super High Me
*This is the 145th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
*This film is now on DVD.
I am an occasional smoker> Maybe 3 times a year or so and I drink less then that. Just kind of ironic I think that you get onto people for wasting their life and having to use drugs to feel emotions. Um... How many hours have you spent this year watching movies ? Not exactly life enhancing. You are wasting as much time as any stoner is napping or being oblivious. You are as big a loser as any addict.
ReplyDeleteLol! You are clearly an awful human being as you have time to skim through my reviews and call me a loser. But I still love ya Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous! You are entitled to your opinion as much as I am to mine. Please, rip me apart even more, I love this stuff! Lol.
ReplyDeleteI've spent PLENTY of hours watching movies! However not to falsify emotions like pot does. I watch movies simply because they entertain me. Yes, I wasted hours on them, but not because it's an "addiction" it's called a hobby...you ever hear of that word before? Kind of like people who collect stamps or cars even. It's something you can stop at any time you feel, unlike an addiction.
If you actually read my other blogs on here you will see I recently posted one where I announced I'm done with the blog and the movie watching. I have "retired" so to speak from watching 170 movies a year. I may only partake in 20 or 30 this year like an average American. Hell I've only seen 1 new 2009 movie this year! So I'm doing pretty good if you ask me!
I would also like to mention that I'm not wasting my life on these things. I get out a lot, probably more than a stoner. I donate my time every week at my church to help with a childrens ministry. I'm also in a college group one a week. I also have a full time job (unlike a lot of pot head addicts) so there's QUITE a difference, but please come back with an argument, this is fun!!! HAHA!
But I assure you, I am no addict because I have the ability to control my intake of those harmful movies! Muahahahaha.
I love these ppl that have never or don't smoke weed but seem to have an opinion about it. Give it up mike no one wants to hear your nonsense if someone smokes pot and is lazy they were probably lazy before they smoked pot. And i thought the movie was stupid was too, but I still think your stupider, uneducated and a church member, that pretty much says it all your weak minded you need god to feel better about life well I need pot to feel better about life. Keep your opinions too yourself judge not lest ye be judged, doesnt the church teach that ? Thanks asshole drop dead
ReplyDeleteHOWDY FOLKS!!! Mikey here...I felt the need to come on back and comment on this wonderful recent comment from Anonymous. I like your use of the word "stupider". I find it ironic. While stupider is technically a word, you used it in quite a...how should I say..."Stupid" way. You should have said "I still think your STUPID, uneducated..." blah blah blah. Since you pointed out that I need to feel better about myself, I might as well succumb to that perception of me and point you out as actually being the stupid one. Moreover, I should have you know I consider myself agnostic, bordering on atheist. I believe religion is ridiculous for my personal life, but I also respect religion as it pertains to other peoples lives. So I guess since I'm not actually religious, I have free reign to judge whom I want, as do you, as you clearly have already demonstrated. Furthermore, I wrote this review years ago, and I fully admit back then I was a total prude about such things as drugs and alcohol. Since then I have "experimented" a few times, and found it to be quite relaxing and soothing. So I see no problems now with people who use it recreationally. I completely admit I was wrong with that..."judgement". I've also been quite hammered on a number of occasions from the ol' booze and dammit did I enjoy that!! Point being, my judgement of pot smokers was wrong, and freely admit my mistake. You know, if "no one wants to hear my nonsense" I was a bit taken aback that you took the time to leave your wonderful comment. I suppose you too like to point out peoples flaws. I guess you and I are a lot of like, eh ol' chum?? Would you still like to me to drop dead sir or ma'am? If so, just let me know and I'll make sure to contact the authorities with your death threat. Mmkay?