OK so I don't have the time or patience right now to review these three movies separately. So I thought I would do a three some review of the three flicks I saw this past week. I saw "Get Him to the Greek", "Splice" and "Defendor". So without further ado...
Get Him to the Greek. Starring
Russel Brand and
Jonah Hill.
Rated R,
1 hour 49 minutes. The critics gave this film a
B- grade. I give this film a
A-. This is a spinoff

film from 2008's Forgetting Sarah Marshall, where the Aldous Snow character gets a whole movie for himself. Jonah Hill was also in Marshall but as a different character. I was a big fan of Marshall, I enjoyed the story, the characters and it was damn funny! We have essentially the same crew here again so you should expect the same right? Well.......I think this film was a great follow up to the original film. I thought it had great writing, it was hilarious. The characters were just as good as the original film, and the two main stars worked so brilliantly together. They both have their own style of comedic delivery and they both succeeded at what they did. I kind of think that Aldous Snow worked a lot better as a supporting character in the other film, but he pretty much carries his own here this time. This movie wasn't cheesy, it actually has quite a cool story to tell. We've seem comedies like this before, but I think it did well at doing it's own thing. This is at times a raunchy comedy, and has a lot of drug humor so don't take the young ones. Overall...I loved this film, not as much as Forgetting Sarah Marshall...but it is still a very worthy counterpart.
Splice. Starring
Adrien Brody and
Sarah Polley.
Rated R.
1 hour 44 minutes. The critics gave this film a
B-. I give this film a
D+. So I can sort of see the appeal this film had to the eyes of the nation

s critics. This film does have a terrifyingly unique and twisted plot. It has many elements of originality. The film making is quite slick and stunning to watch at times. That being said this movie may have been a little TOO unique and twisted. It bordered on disgusting and demented. To some that may be what they want in a film like this...and to their defense...that is what you have to go into this movie expecting. It was my fault for going to see it, I'm not afraid to admit that. But this movie was just SO damn weird!! There was a sex scene in this film that went way beyond creepy and disturbing that the audience I was with...was laughing at it. I think they laughed from being uncomfortable...because that's what this movie was overall...severely uncomfortable to watch. The performances were OK but were never going to save this movie's execution...at least not for me. Again I applaud the risk, I applaud the directors sense of sleek style...but the outcome of the movie was absolutely bizarre and just way to weird for me to like.
Defendor. Starring
Woody Harrelson and
Kat Dennings.
Rated R.
1 hour 41 minutes. The critics gave this film a
C- (limited amount of reviews). I give this film a
B-. This

is a film about a superhero who isn't actually a superhero. He is actually mentally unstable but believes he is doing good by protecting the city. There was a movie called "Special" that came out with Michael Rappaport. It has almost the same storyline as this film, but "Special" is more emotionally devastating of a story and was an excellent film. Defendor is almost a really good movie but it kind of falls flat in the emotional aspect. This is not really a comedy like the preview makes it out to be, it is actually kind of a dark film. Defendor is a mentally unstable person and you feel bad for this guy but you also really really like him. Woody Harrelson delivers another brilliant performance and he truly makes this film. It has a good story, just not overly strong. The outcome falls a bit flat as well. This movie looks great though. It has some good supporting performances. I don't know, I really did like this movie, I just did not LOVE this movie like I wanted to. It was carried by a brilliant performance from Harrelson but falls a little short in the story department. Otherwise I recommend this movie...it's on DVD now.
Definitely interested in "Get Him to the Greek", I like that type of movie. The other two, not very exciting to me. Thanks Mikey for the quicky reviews.