Well this year will mark the end of human kind as we know it. Damn those Mayans! So looks like I only have one more year of movies left to enjoy myself with! 2012 has a lot of big movies...so here are my most anticipated flicks of our final year on Earth!

The Dark Knight Rises
July 2012
It goes without saying, The Dark Knight was one of the best movies of 2008 and personally, it's one of my favorite movies of all time. It was HUGE at the box office, and I fully expect this film to break some box office records when it is released in July. The film will be without Heath Ledgers Joker for obvious reasons, and that was an aspect of The Dark Knight that got a LOT of attention. Ledger had died a few months before the film's release so that created some major buzz and it won him a posthehumous Academy Award and deservedly so, because he was spectacular. Now we have Tom Hardy as Bane and we also get Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Joseph Gordon Levitt is in here too. Christopher Nolan is back as director so on paper and judging by the epic trailer, this is going to a power house of a film, and I cannot wait.

July 2012
It goes without saying, The Dark Knight was one of the best movies of 2008 and personally, it's one of my favorite movies of all time. It was HUGE at the box office, and I fully expect this film to break some box office records when it is released in July. The film will be without Heath Ledgers Joker for obvious reasons, and that was an aspect of The Dark Knight that got a LOT of attention. Ledger had died a few months before the film's release so that created some major buzz and it won him a posthehumous Academy Award and deservedly so, because he was spectacular. Now we have Tom Hardy as Bane and we also get Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and Joseph Gordon Levitt is in here too. Christopher Nolan is back as director so on paper and judging by the epic trailer, this is going to a power house of a film, and I cannot wait.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
(Part One)
(Part One)
December 2012
There is perhaps no movie I have been looking forward to more thank this one. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is probably my favorite movies of all time. There was a time when Peter Jackson was not signed on to make this film due to some legal issues, but thank God that's solved and he is in fact doing the films. I'm a total nerd for these movies and I still have to wait until freaking December to see it, but I must be patient. Ian McKellan is back as Gandalf and the ubber talented Andy Serkis is back as Gollum. There are more returning cast members as well as a slew of newbies. This movie will be beautiful and epic and I'm SO looking forward to this adventure!!

There is perhaps no movie I have been looking forward to more thank this one. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is probably my favorite movies of all time. There was a time when Peter Jackson was not signed on to make this film due to some legal issues, but thank God that's solved and he is in fact doing the films. I'm a total nerd for these movies and I still have to wait until freaking December to see it, but I must be patient. Ian McKellan is back as Gandalf and the ubber talented Andy Serkis is back as Gollum. There are more returning cast members as well as a slew of newbies. This movie will be beautiful and epic and I'm SO looking forward to this adventure!!
Silent House
March 2012
I'm sure it won't be good, and maybe you are thinking it's silly to look forward to some random horror movie, but the movie looks good, I'm sorry. It's based off a foreign film that came just a year or so ago of the same title. It's about a father and daughter who become trapped and terrorized in their vacation home. It looks sort of like The Strangers in a way, and they even say it's inspired by true events. Which is a marketing tactic, because it was probably very loosely based off several events that once happened. However, the cool gimmick to this movie is that they claim the entire 85 minute running time is all in one continuous take. Which means it's done with one camera and never once cuts. So it all one fluid, 85 minute long shot done in real time. To me, that seem pretty damn cool. The film this is based off did the same thing. Are they tricking us or is it legit? Who knows and who cares, I'll be there to see it.
Jeff Who Lives At Home
March 2012
I just saw this trailer the other day and I think it looks really good! It's not summer blockbuster obviously, but those aren't the only movies I look forward too. It's about a deadbeat son who lives with his mom who spends the day with his more successful brother as they follow his potentially adulterous wife around town. It looks like a dark comedy and it has Jason Segel and Ed Helms (both known for their funny man abilities). Also stars Susan Surandon and Judy Greer.
March 2012
I just saw this trailer the other day and I think it looks really good! It's not summer blockbuster obviously, but those aren't the only movies I look forward too. It's about a deadbeat son who lives with his mom who spends the day with his more successful brother as they follow his potentially adulterous wife around town. It looks like a dark comedy and it has Jason Segel and Ed Helms (both known for their funny man abilities). Also stars Susan Surandon and Judy Greer.
Mirror Mirror
March 2012
Don't you dare laugh at me! I know how silly it sounds for me to look forward to this movie. Only reason being it looks similar to the Amy Adams film Enchanted and I loved that movie. I don't honestly expect to like this flick, but I will go see it. It looks like Julia Roberts is trying to get back in the game after not really being in much of anything lately.

Don't you dare laugh at me! I know how silly it sounds for me to look forward to this movie. Only reason being it looks similar to the Amy Adams film Enchanted and I loved that movie. I don't honestly expect to like this flick, but I will go see it. It looks like Julia Roberts is trying to get back in the game after not really being in much of anything lately.
The Avengers
May 2012
Well we have seen all the set up films: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, and now it's time to put them all in one film and watch a bunch of cool stuff happen. I was a big fan off all the lead up movies with the exception of Captain America which bored me to death. This film looks pretty awesome though. I'm not normally one who nerds out over comic book movies, but I am looking forward to this one. Should make a grip of money.
The Dictator
May 2012
Sacha Baron Cohen is back to his weirdo ways with The Dictator. Look, I know this movie will probably be dumb as hell, but honestly it looks really freaking funny. So you bet your patootie will be in that theater when it comes out. I was a big fan of Borat, gross as it was, it was damn hilarious. Hoping this one does not disappoint, because I love to laugh.
Dark Shadows
May 2012
I actually don't know much about this movie and haven't seen any trailers for it. All I know is, it has Johnny Depp and it is directed by Tim Burton. That tandem rarely lets us down. It's about vampires, witches, monsters, etc. Has a large ominous mansion as the backdrop...stuff I life. So I'm very interested to see how this one turns out.
Men in Black III
May 2012
I loved the first movie, and really did not like the second movie. So I don't really know what to think of this new one. I think it looks pretty good, more on par with the first movie. I think since it's been a long time, they've had time to regroup and get back on track so hopefully we will see a solid movie this time. Fingers crossed.
June 2012
A movie about the possible discovery of the origins of mankind, directed by Ridley Scott and stars Charlize Theron and Patrick Wilson. It's rumored to have some ties to the Alien series and possibly even Bladerunner. So that should be interesting. I haven't seen a full trailer for this film either, so I don't know a ton about it. Sounds like a cool idea though and it has a reliable director, could be good.
June 2012
Well Pixar appeared to have had their first bomb with Cars 2 in 2011. I didn't see it, it's the only Pixar movie I didn't see. We are all hoping that it was a one time slip up because Pixar makes some genuinely amazing movies for the whole family. To be honest, Brave doesn't look like that stong of a movie to me, but I'm still very much looking forward to it. I won't let one mistake by Pixar taint their image forever. It's their first movie with a female charcter as the hero, so they are making a ballsy switchup.
The Amazing Spiderman
July 2012
I still don't understant why they are rebooting a very profitable film series that just came out a few years ago. The old movies are still very fresh in our mind. I loved Spiderman 1 and 2 but really hated Spiderman 3. It doesn't mean they have to start all over again for goodness sakes. At any rate, I'm still looking forward to see this one, and see if they Dark Knight it up by making it a more dark story. I have a slight crush on Andrew Garfield as well...so I won't mind seeing him zip around in that spidey suit. Our little secret though.
I'm sure there are more movies coming out later in the year I will want to see, but they aren't all listed yet or don't have release dates. But for now, this is a pretty solid list of upcoming flicks I can't wait to see!
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