Dark Shadows
Rated PG-13
1 Hour 43 Minutes
Johnny Depp
Michelle Pfeiffer
Helena Bonham Carter
Eva Green
Belle Heathcote
Chloe Grace Moretz
Jackie Earle Haley
An imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins, is set free and returns to his ancestral home, where his dysfunctional descendants are in need of his protection. Remake of a cult classic TV soap.
Rotten Tomatoes Grade
"The visuals are top notch but Tim Burton never finds a consistent rhythm, mixing campy jokes and gothic spookiness with less success than other Johnny Depp collaborations."
My Grade
**spoiler alert**
I've never seen the original show, as it was a tad bit before my time. I know it's a cult classic and I know a lot of people had issues with Tim Burton remaking it into a feature length film. I think they had a good reason to feel this way. The movie shows that there was a lot of source material in the show and they attempted to pack a lot in to the film. It's a very busy movie yet at the same time not much really goes on, and it never really takes off into anything special. This is the eighth collaboration between Burton and Oscar nominee Johnny Depp (Sweeney Todd, Sleepy Hollow) and I think I have to finally cave in and say...enough is enough. They obviously work well together, that goes without saying, but it's growing very tiresome now.
None of the performances were all that engaging. Usually Burton has a knack for crafting unique, twisted, quirky performances from his actors, but not this time. His wife, Oscar nominee Helena Bonham Carter (The King's Speech, Harry Potter series) is somwhere between "normal" and "strange" and that doesn't work well with her. She plays creepy very well, but she wasn't put to good use here. Depp is a very reliable actor, but even he could not save this film. He does character work better than most people, but this particular character was a lame blend of Jack Sparrow and maybe Sweeney Todd. This version of Barnabus was not fun, cool or entertaining.
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