The Cold Light of Day
Starring: Henry Cavill, Sigourney Weaver and Bruce Willis
Rated PG-13 - 1 Hour 33 Minutes
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 6%
My Grade: F
I'm not going to go on for to long about this gem of a movie. I will say that it is probably one of the top ten stupidest movies I think I've ever had the pleasure of watching. The plot is incredibly weak, even for an "action" movie. The action is poorly choreographed and not exciting at all. In fact, most of the action is pretty laughable, especially the climatic car chase scene in the end. Could I do it any better? No of course not, because I'm not a film maker who is paid shit loads of money to make a movie, so don't even go there with me. The acting, namely from star Henry Cavill is atrocious. He is one of the worst action movie characters/stars I've ever seen. He bumbles his lines like this was a half assed high school play or something. What is Sigourney Weaver and Bruce Willis thinking? They still have slight careers going for them, at least Bruce Willis knew to get out of the movie 25 minutes in, good for him! This was a train wreck of a movie for me, I just hated it. Sorry.
Premium Rush
Starring: Joseph Gordon Levitt and Michael Shannon.
Rated PG-13 - 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 75%
My Grade: B+
I saw the previews for this movie and thought the idea of having an action thriller based around bike riding would be ridiculous. And in a kind of is, but you know what...this movie pulled it off pretty well. This movie kicks into high gear from the second it starts and I never stops. It's bang bang in this movie, and that creates are really taught, exciting thriller. The story is a little cliched and a bit on the weak side, but that is OK, because it is executed almost brilliantly. There were a few cheese-ball aspects to the movie like the slow motion scenes of our main character going through different scenarios in to which to ride his bike without being smashed (which led to some of the more unintentionally funny special effect moments). But there wasn't much to not like in this movie, which surprised me a lot. Joseph Gordon Levitt is one of the hottest young actors working today (I don't mean look wise, I mean he's on a roll.......but he isn't bad looking...ya know...if I was a chick....) and he does a fantastic job once again with this role. Michael Shannon is the antagonist here, is SO damn good and playing a total creep (Revolutionary Road, TV's Boardwalk Empire) and he nails it once again. That guy is one good freaking actor and he has been robbed of several awards. Ultimately, Premium Rush was a total guilty pleasure movie. It's not a breath taking tour de force, but it was a lot of fun and packed full of entertainment. I like it!
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