Rated R
Running time: 1 hr 53 mins
**1/2 out of *****
(48% Fresh Rating!)
Has Not Viewed
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
*1/2 out of *****
The premise:
A futuristic action thriller where a team of people work to prevent a disaster threatening the future of the human race.
Oh boy. How much can I really say about a movie like this? Doomsday is yet another apocalyptic, end of the world, mumbo jumbo type of movie. It's been done over and over again. Nothing really is unique or different about this particular take on the genre. We have the cast of rebels who are tattooed up, have paint all over their face, and have dawned a mohawk. They all brandish very large guns, battle axes, the works. They use these weapons to fight off people trying to invade their territory. They do it in a very bloody and gory sort of way. It's not even entertaining really.
The story is lame, but I'm not going to judge the story in a movie like this. That would be dumb of me. You have to expect stupid plots in a movie like this, because these center more around the action. Now I won't lie, there were some very entertaining and somewhat tense action scenes. But most of them went on way to long, and were just way to gory for me to care much about them. And for me, that's ALL this movie had going for it.
Because if I were to mention the performances, I would have to say, "yuck". Well mainly it was David O'Hara (Wanted) who completely ruined the movie performance wise. I honestly had no clue what this man was saying the entire movie. He has this THICK Scottish accent, and all it sounds like is jumbled words. It sounded like he was eating while trying to act. Man he was atrocious. Rhona Mitra (TV's Boston Legal, The Life of David Gale) was actually kind of OK. But she had some Cheesy McGee dialogue. I liked her on Boston Legal a lot, to bad she didn't stick to that.
I mean, I recommend this movie to those fanatics out there who love this crap. Because you will go nuts over it, and love it. It's just, when you see a ton of movies in one year, from EVERY type of possible genre, a film like this is a joke. Sorry, that's just my opinion.
I mean, I recommend this movie to those fanatics out there who love this crap. Because you will go nuts over it, and love it. It's just, when you see a ton of movies in one year, from EVERY type of possible genre, a film like this is a joke. Sorry, that's just my opinion.

*This is the 117th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
*This film is now on DVD.
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