Running time: 1 hr 42 mins
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
****1/2 out of *****
EXTRAS and THE OFFICE star Ricky Gervais brings his trademark wit to this comedy. The British actor stars as a man who dies for seven minutes, but his awakening brings more than just a newfound appreciation for life: he can now see ghost
If at this point in the year, I had to make a list of the five most suprising movies of the year (meaning I thought I'd hate them but found out I actually love them), this would be at the very top of that list. It wasn't that I thought I would hate it, just that I was thinking it would be riddled with cliches, and that all the funny parts were in the trailer. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Ghost Town for me personally, and I'm not over-exaggterating, is by far one of the ten best films of 2008 to date. I loved it, loved it, LOVED it!
First off, this movie is freaking hillarious! Hands down my favorite funny movie of the year. In a world full of raunchy sex comedies (Forgetting Sarah Marshall---which I actually liked), over the top slapstick comedies (Get Smart---again I liked) and of course random spoof movies (Meet the Spartans, Disaster Movie---*cue crickets chirping*) we finally have a comedy thats very fresh and original. Could you call it a romantic comedy? Maybe, but probably not really. It's main focus is basically a shallow jerk of a man played by Ricky Gervais (British TV's The Office) finds himself in a predicament where he can see and talk to ghosts and through a little journey, discovers that people can be loved. Really, it's actually a very sweet and charming little story. The fact that ghosts are involved just makes it hillarious!
But basically yeah, this movie is genuinely funny and it's very consistent. Yes the dramatic and sappy elements of the story are sewn in, but they are needed. But the comedic moments that embody the movie are so clever and smart. I underestimated Ricky Gervais. I watched the british Office and just didn't get it, or him. But is he great! This movie is his all the way, and his witty comments and his freaking facial expressions are classic. His moments of awkardness in the movie provide some of the best laughs of the year. He was great, he was really great.
Also the rest of the cast had their wonderfully funny moments. Tea Leoni (Spanglish, Deep Impact) was her usual cooky little self that makes her so good in my eyes. I've always thought she was a talented actress who for the most part goes unnoticed. Oscar nominee Greg Kinnear (As Good as it Gets) was actually at some of the best I've ever seen him. He was absolutely perfect to play this a**hole of a cheating husband turned ghost. I was suprised at how funny he really can be. I also have to mention the wildly entertaining cameo by SNL star Kristin Wiig (also in Knocked Up). She had people cracking up in Knocked Up and she does the same old thing here. Her few scenes were hillarious! I guess I have to watch SNL more eh?
I recommend this movie to everyone, because I really think everyone could find it entertaining. Maybe not for your young kids (13 and younger) because there is a few "F" bombs, and a couple other bad words thrown around and also a mention or two of mummified male genitalia but other than that it's clean fun! Really, go see it, I think most people would love it. I may sound crazy here, but the movie nearly crosses the line into pure brilliance. No joke.To view this film's theatrical trailer, click this link: Ghost Town
*This is the 114th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
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