The Ghost Writer
Rated PG-13
(language, brief nudity/sexuality, some violence and a drug reference)
2 hours 8 minutes
A ghostwriter hired to complete the memoirs of a former British prime minister uncovers secrets that put his own life in jeopardy.
Written and Directed By: Roman Polanski
Ewan McGregor
Pierce Brosnan
Olivia Williams
Kim Cattrall
Critics Grade:
My Grade:
I'm not going to lie...political thrillers usually go right over my head and I feel like an idiot after them. I'm not to book smart when it comes to anything politics. So when I see movies about the subject...I sometimes feel a bit confused. The Ghost Writer, I assumed was going to be one of those movies but I was wrong. Yes, there are definitely levels of politics in play but they aren't overly strong because there are other aspects to this film. The mystery and intrigue behind the storyline are just that...mysterious.
There were times when watching this film where I was a bit confused. I had to pause and rewind on a few occasions so I could grasp what exactly was going on. Perhaps that's showing some respect for a extremely well written screenplay. This is a very in depth tale, and it's quite detailed at times. This is the kind of movie that just might need two viewings to fully understand. A lot happens, and a lot is thrown at us as an audience in the allotted 2 hour time frame of the film. You really have to pay close attention to what's going on. If you miss one scene...you just might be screwed for the rest of the movie. But at the very end of the film, when all is explained (rather abruptly) you are like "Oh! Now I get it!". Well OK...you may not get it right away. After the movie was over I had to think back throughout the film and remember some things before it clicked in my head what might have been going on the whole time. That's another great thing about it...in my opinion, the movie is left open for some interpretation. It has a fairly quick ending...and it may shock some people.
The performance of Ewan McGregor was brilliant. I honestly believe this is the best he's ever been. He was truly convincing in this role but it's a shame this movie will probably go unnoticed at years end. He may have been a candidate for a best actor nomination. Pierce Brosnan plays the central character of the film but only appears in a handful of scenes. When he's there...he's great. His performance is quite subtle and not flashy at all...but very good. I was also a fan of Olivia Williams who plays the wife of Brosnan. She very well may have delivered the film's best overall performance. You never really knew what her intentions were and she played the mysterious and sometimes eccentric wife very well.
Overall...I was very happy with this movie. While at times it may have been hard to follow, it really satisfies in the end. I'd also like to point out it had BRILLIANT film making. It was shot perfectly and had a extremely tense score at times. So many aspects are worthy of a few technical Oscar nods. But who knows if that will happen. But yes, The Ghost Writer is in the end...a wonderfully tense thriller that brings back "smart film making". This is not a movie that dumbs itself down for audiences. I'm not saying you have to be smart to watch it...God only knows I'm not. But if you just really pay attention and don't get distracted while watching this movie...you will have seen one of the better thrillers made in recent years.
There were times when watching this film where I was a bit confused. I had to pause and rewind on a few occasions so I could grasp what exactly was going on. Perhaps that's showing some respect for a extremely well written screenplay. This is a very in depth tale, and it's quite detailed at times. This is the kind of movie that just might need two viewings to fully understand. A lot happens, and a lot is thrown at us as an audience in the allotted 2 hour time frame of the film. You really have to pay close attention to what's going on. If you miss one scene...you just might be screwed for the rest of the movie. But at the very end of the film, when all is explained (rather abruptly) you are like "Oh! Now I get it!". Well OK...you may not get it right away. After the movie was over I had to think back throughout the film and remember some things before it clicked in my head what might have been going on the whole time. That's another great thing about it...in my opinion, the movie is left open for some interpretation. It has a fairly quick ending...and it may shock some people.
The performance of Ewan McGregor was brilliant. I honestly believe this is the best he's ever been. He was truly convincing in this role but it's a shame this movie will probably go unnoticed at years end. He may have been a candidate for a best actor nomination. Pierce Brosnan plays the central character of the film but only appears in a handful of scenes. When he's there...he's great. His performance is quite subtle and not flashy at all...but very good. I was also a fan of Olivia Williams who plays the wife of Brosnan. She very well may have delivered the film's best overall performance. You never really knew what her intentions were and she played the mysterious and sometimes eccentric wife very well.
Overall...I was very happy with this movie. While at times it may have been hard to follow, it really satisfies in the end. I'd also like to point out it had BRILLIANT film making. It was shot perfectly and had a extremely tense score at times. So many aspects are worthy of a few technical Oscar nods. But who knows if that will happen. But yes, The Ghost Writer is in the end...a wonderfully tense thriller that brings back "smart film making". This is not a movie that dumbs itself down for audiences. I'm not saying you have to be smart to watch it...God only knows I'm not. But if you just really pay attention and don't get distracted while watching this movie...you will have seen one of the better thrillers made in recent years.

Hmm, sounds like one I might enjoy as well. I'm not one for the political flicks either and try not to watch many of them. This one sounds good.