Rated R
(pervasive language including sexual references, violence and brief sexuality)
1 hour 47 minutes
A comedy about a veteran NYPD cop whose rare baseball card is stolen. Since it's his only hope to pay for his daughter's upcoming wedding, he recruits his partner to track down the thief, a memorabilia-obsessed gangster.
Directed By: Kevin Smith
Bruce Willis
Tracy Morgan
(Consensus: Cop Out is a cliched buddy action/comedy that suffers from stale gags and slack pacing.)
My Grade:
Buddy cop movies seem to be an audience favorite. We see so many of them and unfortunately they are all the damn same. Rush Hour is one of the better examples of a recent (well sort of recent) good buddy cop comedy. Cop Out centers around two veteran cops played by Willis and Morgan who both seem bitter and tired. They bicker like an old married couple but seem to be best buds at the same time. Their dynamic on screen is a bit strange though and to me was way to forced. I didn't really find any of their antics all that funny. I laughed a few times at Morgan, but only because some of this shenanigans reminded me of his dumb but hilarious character on 30 Rock. This movie is just WAY to cliched and almost all of the humor is just stupid and to overly wacky. The premise about Willis loosing a prized and very pricey baseball card...is something you would see in a film about young children. The story was silly and idiotic. The performances were not very funny and this whole movie was just a dud. Huge swing and miss. HUGE!

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