Killers. Starring
Ashton Kutcher and
Katherin Heigl.
Rated PG-13.
1 hour 33 minutes.
Critics Grade:
My Grade:
D. Oh Boy, here we go. Killers never looked like a good movie t

o me, but I watched it because I'm on vacation from work and I've been bored. Thought it might be a fun little movie to pass the time. Fun is not a good word to describe this movie. Entertaining? Nope. Funny? No sir. Good? Hell no. Awful? Eh, debatable. It depends on who's watching the movie. Some may find the chemistry between Kutcher and Heigl slightly charming and humorous, I however thought it was boring and bland. Nothing new here in this movie. You've seen this a thousand times before. We all know there's barely such thing as an original movie so when we have movies like this we still expect something fresh or at least the concept done well. It's not here. Not for me anyway. I couldn't stand Heigl and all her screaming and unfunny lines. Kutcher may be pretty to look at it, but then he opens his mouth and ruins everything. I was not a fan of Killers. To me it was not funny, it was tiresome, it was WAY predictable and it didn't even have a good ending. Boo.
The Losers. Starring
Jeffrey Dean Morgan,
Zoe Saldana and
Idris Elba.
Rated PG-13.
1 hour 37 minutes.
Critics Grade:
My Grade:
C+. Again, wasn't to thrilled

about actually watching this movie but...lot of time to kill. I was expecting to possibly hate this movie but in reality it was...eh, OK. I didn't thoroughly enjoy the movie through and through, but I didn't despise it either. The acting was quite good from everyone and the action was loud and for the most part quite entertaining. I got a little tired of the constant use of slow motion scenes though. They didn't just do it in action moments, but also in random moments of people walking, etc. I mean good lord there was a lot of slow motion here, the movie might have been 15 minutes shorter had all these scenes been at normal speed. The story was weak and the bad guy plot to kill everyone was kinda lame. But again the action was decent and kind of fun. Jason Patric, who plays the villain...was the best part of the movie. He was a very unique action villain in that his personality was ridiculous and really funny! So yeah, Losers is a slightly enjoyable action movie but isn't anything all that special. It's a fun filler movie that you might forget in about a month.
Babysitter Wanted. Starring
Sarah Thompson and
Bruce Thomas.
Rated R.
1 hour 33 minutes.
IMDB Member Grade:
My Grade:
C. This was a straight to DVD horror movie that w

as made a few years ago but came out this year. I totally thought it was going to suck big time, hence the reason I rented it. Sometimes I like to rent crappy movies just to entertain me, and usually these would be horror movies. The reason for me not giving this some horrendously low grade was because I was kind of surprised by the movie. Now this is not a great horror movie and I wouldn't even say it was "good". Here's the thing, it was tolerable. The acting for the most part was good, especially from the crazy father. The film making was above average for this kind of movie. On a technical level this movie looks and sounds good. Story wise it's nowhere near original. Hell there was a much better film earlier this year called "
House of the Devil" that had almost this exact same premise. That movie used subtlety as opposed to in your face gore like this movie used. It started off as a "
When a Stranger Calls" type of movie then went right into a devil child kind of movie. Two different horror flick concepts mushed into one and it actually kind of worked. Not original, but at least they did the most they could with it to make it a tolerable film to watch. I was NOT a fan of the musical score. It has one of the most obnoxious scores ever for a horror movie. Every action this girl takes is accompanied by a loud shrieky musical note and apparently we are supposed to jump every 48 seconds or so. Basically this movie could have been a train wreck but honestly, to me it was not. It is really gory and really gross so I would not recommend it to the weak of stomach. For me though, this movie was worth a one time viewing. Slightly enjoyable...and I mean slightly.
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