Rated R
(Language, disturbing images, minor sexuality and drug use)
1 hour 31 minutes
In order to raise the tuition to send her young son to private school, a mom starts an unusual business -- a biohazard removal/crime scene clean-up service -- with her unreliable sister.
My Grade:
You know I was expecting a dark comedy from this movie, along the lines of the Best Picture nominee, Little Miss Sunshine. However, comedy I did not get...at least not all that much. Sunshine Cleaning had only a few funny moments, but it was the standard amount you see in any dramatic film...which is what this movie categorically falls into. So on that level I was a bit disappointed, given the premise of the film...two sisters who start a crime scene clean up business to make ends meet. But this was much more of a serious film, that bordered on depressing.
That being said

I enjoyed the scenes of the sisters cleaning up after dead people. That is where a lot of the humor in the film came from. There were also some very touching scenes. There is a scene where Amy Adam's comforts an old woman who's husband just killed himself. It showed that these girls weren't just there to clean up blood, they were they to help and I thought that was a nice touch to the story.
The problem I had with this movie is that there was way to much going on at time. There is a side story with Steve Zahn's (Joy Ride, Strange Wilderness)character that really just ends up falling flat. Another side story involves one of the sisters trying to connect with the daughter with one of the dead victims they cleaned up after. That story was very odd and I felt like it was just a space filler. I know that it was an attempt to humanize Emily Blunt's character but something about it was weird. The girl she was trying to connect with is a lesbian, but Blunt's character is not and that whole thing just felt strange and way out of place. Then by the end of that story arch, nothing really happens...I just didn't get it.
Then we have the story of Oscar winner Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine) trying to sell random things in grocery stores and restaurants. I guess I didn't see the importance of this aspect of his life. I guess he was trying to make time go by since he no longer had his wife...but they never really explained his odd behavior. Then we have the tale of Oscar nominee Amy Adam's (Junebug, Doubt)characters son who can't seem to fit in at school. He is a bit of a troublemaker and no one knows what to do with him. Again...this story falls flat in the end, there is no resolve. Finally there is character you think has a thing for Amy Adams and you never really know if she likes him back. Again...no real resolve there. Overall though, the story of the family as a whole was the most prominent one in the film, and was written very very well.
The performances were pretty good. I thought Emily Blunt was awesome in The Devi

All in all, this is a solid movie. It suffers from trying to do to much to make us feel sympathetic towards the characters, but it didn't need to do all that. We already feel for these characters once we learn of their past. I wish they would have focused more on that and eliminated some of the random side stories that led up to nothing. I would recommend this film though to anyone. I don't know if it's for everyone though. It's a bit of a "slow" movie, but I like those kind of flicks. It's on DVD now...check it out! What bad can it do??
I thought about starting one of these businesses, none of my kids would help me. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteHaha, I honestly didn't even know businesses like this even existed! Do they really??
ReplyDeleteYep, they sure do. If you have never been in the violent death business...well, it's pretty messy. So, a coroner will come and get the body, but who cleans the brains off the walls? I don't know if you could talk a gaggle of Merry Maids into it..and by the way we are still missing some teeth and an eye ball..Keep an eye out , so to speak. (pun intended)
ReplyDeleteWrought with problems for the squeamish for sure.
Years ago there was a most excellent movie...I just can't remember the name. If I stop trying so hard it might come to me...it was what gave me the idea to start one of these businesses.
I actually did this once...there was a need for a Church member...so the priest asked me to help..the "help" consisted of five or six people standing around holding the walls up outside.
That is one business that I will never consider doing.......yuck!!! Great job on the review Mikey, I basically felt the same way you did about the movie. I liked it but didn't love it. I am becoming a big Amy Adams fan especially after seeing her in 'Julie and Julia' but she was also very good in 'Doubt' and 'Enchantment'. Yeah, I would give it a B too. Thanks for bringing it over for us to all watch.
ReplyDeleteYeah you will never catch me being a part of a business like that! Lol. More power to you Eloh for even thinking about doing that! I would probably throw up at the smell of the room or something. I don't mind blood...but I don't want to clean it up. I also think it would be really depressing to do that job...to clean up after people who died...kinda sad.
ReplyDeleteJulie, yeah this was one of those half and half movies. It was part really good and part "just OK". What came out was a just barely above average good movie. They should have focused more on this family and not their side stories.
Amy Adams is quickly becoming one of my favorites! LOVED her in Doubt and especially Enchantment! Her best to date so far is Junebug...which she got her first Oscar nom for...I mean she was amazing in that movie. In that movie, she has one of the most most powerful and heartbreaking scenes I've seen in a film. Don't forget...she was also Jim's girlfriend, aka, purse girl at the end of the first season and some of the beginning of the second season of The Office!
Mikey...this is an unusual move...but I remembered the movie...YOU MUST MUST MUST MUST SEE THIS MOVIE!!!
ReplyDeleteEven the story behind :the making of this movie is really cool.
Curdled , Directed by Quentin Tarantino