So it's been a little over a week since my last random movie review blog. I'll try my best to do one of these every week or so, depending on how many older, pre-2009 movies I see during said week. Well since a week ago I've seen 5 more movies via Netflix or various other ways. So here are my reviews:
The Br
eakfast Club (Rated R, 1 hour 37 minutes): Yes, this is another one of those movies that everyone has seen but me...the supposed film buff. Look I'm working on catching up OK?? That being said, I'm so mad at myself for not seeing this movie sooner! This was a fantastic movie, probably one of the best movies the 80's ever produced! It had such a realistic story of high school kids. THESE are real kids (even though they were all in at least their mid to late 20's at the time). Not like the crap attempt Hollywood makes these days to chronicle the life of high school kids that is NOTHING like high school. This movie had a very well written screenplay and actually some pretty solid performances. I just simply loved this movie. A lot.
My Grade:
Noises Off! (Rated PG-13, 1 hour 41 minutes): This was an early 90's movie with quite a

big cast. Michael Caine, John Ritter, Carol Burnett, Christopher Reeve, Nicollete Sheridan, Julie Haggerty all headline this film. I think I have seen bits of this as a kid, but I really didn't remember much about it. This is one heck of a funny movie! I loved how it was put together as well: in 3 acts. The first act is all about their dress rehersal going completely wrong. One set, one long scene. The second act is my favorite. It is the matinee show. As the play is going on, a silent fight is going on backstage. It was so brilliantly done, and hilarious! The 3rd act is the play going terribly wrong! This movie was so good. The performances were very comical. My one problem is that it ended rather abrubtly. These characters had a lot of issues and it just sort of seemed to go away way to quickly. As if the ending was lazily put together. Oh well...still a fun movie!
My Grade:
P2 (Rated R, 1 hour 38 minutes): On occassion, I feel like watching a movie I know is going to be bad, sometimes it can be fun. And boy oh boy is this a bad movie. This is an AWFUL movie! No wonder it lasted only two weeks in theaters. The acting is atrocious (can't knock it to much for that though, this IS a horror movie). The plotline is dumb and so far from original its laughable. The characters make retarded decisions. It's overly gruesome for no apparent reason. They kill a dog (which is a big no no for me even thought it was evil). This was such a crap fest movie that it was almost fun to watch. I seriously would never suggest this movie to any living person on this earth. It isn't the worst I've ever seen though, so it has that going for it.
My grade:
Primer (Rated PG-13, 1 hour 17 minutes): You know, I like to consider myself a fairly intelligent person. By no means am I a genious, but I know enough to get by in life. When I watched this movie, that all went out the window. I seriously felt like a moron while sitting through this movie. This movie was in some kind of nerd genious (no offense) language that I don't know if any common folk like myself could ever get. I don't know what the hell this movie was even about. I couldn't begin to explain to you. That's the main reason I didn't care for this movie. I just did not get it. If you're making a film, you should make it so that people can understand the premise. I guess maybe I am a little stupid, ha! The performances were pretty ameteur (but they were rookie actors, so that's not so bad) and very very very one note. These characters showed zero emotion. The direction was cool and the look was pretty neat. Other than that...I can't recommend this movie because I don't even know what the hell I watched.
My Grade:
Visioneers (Unknown rating, 1 hour 32 minutes): This is a weird, weird, weird movie to say the least. I appreciate the far out originality attempt this movie made. These characters live in a world where flipping each other off is a way of saying hello. They pronounce chaos like "chay-oss", and best of all...when they get to stressed out...they explode...literally. The movie was very well made and had a star performance from Zach Galifinakas (who was not funny in this movie) and I was surprised by his dramatic side. However, the storyline...another one I just didn't comprehend. Maybe I'm losing my brain cells or something, but I don't know exactly what this movie was supposed to be about. It was way to artsy and bizare (and I love that stuff, but this one was to much for me). I didn't feel anything from it, and I didn't get anything from it. I don't know, it looked cool, had very good performances...but lacked for me in story and all around purpose.
My Grade:
Like usual, all of these films are now on DVD.
Katie and I are not done feeding you 80's movies either. Glad you like the Breakfast Club. It is one of my favs too. I did see Noises Off but it was a long time ago and will have to catch it again when it comes on TV.