Rated R
(language, drug use, sexual references)
1 hour 47 minutes
A comedy set in the summer of 1987 and centered around a recent college grad (Eisenberg) who takes a nowhere job at his local amusement park, only to find it's the perfect course to get him prepared for the real world.
My Grade:
My Grade:
OK so I have a few reviews to do today so I'm going to keep them all fairly short and simple. Adventureland is one of those rated R comedies that feels almost like one of the Judd Apatow flicks, but he had nothing to do with this one. But you know what I mean right? This is another film about a group of horny twenty-somethings trying to shack up and/or find love. This one is set in a summer carnival type place and it's employees are a bunch of young college bound kids.
I never really wanted to see this movie in theaters, but I did at least want to check it out on DVD. Honestly, I thought it was good but I didn't really love it. There wasn't a whole lot that was actually wrong with the movie, but I don't know...I just wasn't feeling it if that makes any sense. I think it had some definite funny moments, but this wasn't exactly a comedy in all sense of the word. Adventureland is a dramedy and most of the humor stems from sexual jokes. There are a couple slapstick, random jokes thrown in though. I appreciated the fact that the film maker actually tried to make a serious movie here, and his attempt was pretty good in the end. Some pretty decent writing as well.

All in all this is a "good" movie but for me it's not one I'd ever buy or really ever care to watch again. That's why it gets a C+ from me. It was good without being all that appealing in the end. I don't know. Don't take my word for it, if you like this kind of flick...I suggest you go out and rent it. Why not? It ain't all that bad!
I have to agree with your review of this movie. I felt the same way. Bill Hader was soooo much better in Superbad while Kristen Wiig was much more funny in Ghost Town.