Rated R
(bloody images, violence and some sexual content and brief nudity)
1 hour 24 minutes
After losing her unborn child, Madeline Matheson insists on carrying the baby to term. Following the delivery, the child miraculously returns to life with an appetite for human blood. Madeline is faced with a mother's ultimate decision.
Jordan Ladd
Gabrielle Rose
Samantha Ferris
Critics Grade:
My Grade:
Rated R
(bloody images, violence and some sexual content and brief nudity)
1 hour 24 minutes
After losing her unborn child, Madeline Matheson insists on carrying the baby to term. Following the delivery, the child miraculously returns to life with an appetite for human blood. Madeline is faced with a mother's ultimate decision.
Jordan Ladd
Gabrielle Rose
Samantha Ferris
Critics Grade:
My Grade:
How this movie has a 71% on rotten tomatoes is beyond me. This movie should have come with some sort of warning like: "Caution, this movie may induce vomiting or the urge to gouge your eyes out with a dull butter knife." Basically this movie is disgusting. I did not get this movie whatsoever. I don't see the appeal. It is not much of a horror film, so much as it is a pure gross fest!
I didn't understand the point of the movie. Was this baby supposed to be the devil? Some kind of demon? Something pure evil? The baby has this thirst for blood but the baby doesn't actually do anything evil other than that. It's just a cute little baby that drinks blood. The mother is obsessed with keeping the baby happy and kills for her...OK...so what's the overall point or message of the film? I have no idea, is the answer!! I think this movie exists to make people squirm...that's it! Ha! It doesn't have much of a good storyline. Because there is also the crazy mother in law who wants the baby for herself because she misses breast feeding her son (who died). There is a disturbing scene of this older woman having her husband suck on her breast because she craves it. It's sick!
This whole movie is sick! I didn't like it at all! Between the crazy breast feeding obsessed older woman and the baby sucking down bottles of human blood...ugh! For most people that I know...none of them would ever want to watch this crap. There are plenty of people who WOULD like it...and good for them...but this movie was wrong in my eyes. It was disgusting and extremely, over the top, disturbing. I never want to lay eyes on this film again. Despite the fact that it was filmed well and had semi decent performances...this movie is terrible! Sorry to those who may have enjoyed it...but I REALLY REALLY disliked it!

Yikes, one to definately to avoid.