Rated R
(language, some drug content and brief nudity)
1 hour 33 minutes
A reporter in Iraq might just have the story of a lifetime when he meets Lyn Cassady, a guy who claims to be a former member of the U.S. Army's First Earth Battalion, a unit that employs paranormal powers in their missions.
My Grade:
The Men Who Stare at Goats is certainly not going to be a film for everyone. This is one of those movies that has a very quirky oddness to it, that may fly right past some audiences. I'm not saying this movie is to smart for "dumb" audiences, I mean that it's attempts at a story and especially it's sense of humor may be a little out there for some people, and a lot of folks just simply may not get it. Well I got it...and that's because I have a weird sense of humor.
This movie however, lacks a centralized and sensible storyline. I don't mean that I was expecting a storyline that makes sense, just a storyline that fits with the movie...but it didn't really have that. In fact, there wasn't much of a plot at all. If I were to descrive this movie, I don't think I really can. I would just say to a friend, "Yeah, it's that weird new George Clooney movie about soldiers who who trained to fight battle using their minds"...and that's all I would really be able to muster. This movie has a LOT going on...just not much of a confined screenplay. There is SOMETHING there though, enough to hang onto in a way.
The performances and sense of humor is what drives this movie. The two of them combined add up to a pretty darn entertaining and fun flick. It's one of those guilty pleasure type movies. There is no reason to truly love this film, but I found myself intrigued by it's charming style. I've always felt Oscar winner George Clooney (Syriana, Michael Clayton) has been slightly over rated. However this time out I thought he was perfect and near brilliant as the deranged ex-paranormal military man. His character was so bizarre and amazingly entertaining and Clooney portrayed him fantastically. Ewan McGregor (Star Wars: Episode One, Moulin Rouge) has never really been a "great" actor, but he's had his moments. He was pretty average here, but had some great moments, especially with Clooney. Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey were good as well in their limited roles. The casting for this film was awesome! It's what really made this film.
So despite a plot that has literally no direction, this movie is carried by a well balanced cast of nut jobs and borderline sane folk and some witty and fun humor that I recommend it to any fan of film. It's not a perfect movie, it's not even all that great of a film. But dammit, it's good wholesome fun and entertaining as hell. Even though hell is probably not all that entertaining. But you know what I mean. I don't think you'd be wasting your money going to see this movie...so go ahead...see it. Tell me what ya think!
This movie however, lacks a centralized and sensible storyline. I don't mean that I was expecting a storyline that makes sense, just a storyline that fits with the movie...but it didn't really have that. In fact, there wasn't much of a plot at all. If I were to descrive this movie, I don't think I really can. I would just say to a friend, "Yeah, it's that weird new George Clooney movie about soldiers who who trained to fight battle using their minds"...and that's all I would really be able to muster. This movie has a LOT going on...just not much of a confined screenplay. There is SOMETHING there though, enough to hang onto in a way.
The performances and sense of humor is what drives this movie. The two of them combined add up to a pretty darn entertaining and fun flick. It's one of those guilty pleasure type movies. There is no reason to truly love this film, but I found myself intrigued by it's charming style. I've always felt Oscar winner George Clooney (Syriana, Michael Clayton) has been slightly over rated. However this time out I thought he was perfect and near brilliant as the deranged ex-paranormal military man. His character was so bizarre and amazingly entertaining and Clooney portrayed him fantastically. Ewan McGregor (Star Wars: Episode One, Moulin Rouge) has never really been a "great" actor, but he's had his moments. He was pretty average here, but had some great moments, especially with Clooney. Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey were good as well in their limited roles. The casting for this film was awesome! It's what really made this film.
So despite a plot that has literally no direction, this movie is carried by a well balanced cast of nut jobs and borderline sane folk and some witty and fun humor that I recommend it to any fan of film. It's not a perfect movie, it's not even all that great of a film. But dammit, it's good wholesome fun and entertaining as hell. Even though hell is probably not all that entertaining. But you know what I mean. I don't think you'd be wasting your money going to see this movie...so go ahead...see it. Tell me what ya think!
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