Food, Inc.
Rated PG
(some thematic material and disturbing images)
1 hour 34 minutes
An unflattering look inside America's corporate controlled food industry.
Critics Grade:
My Grade:
Well the tagline for this film is correct, I am NEVER going to look at my dinner the same way again! I must warn you right out of the gate, if you enjoy eating food...like really, really enjoy it...do not watch this movie even though I HIGHLY suggest that you do! This is a must see film for EVERYONE! You're stomaches may turn, you may want to gag, you may be repulsed, you may be pissed, you may be sad, heartbroken, etc after watching this film but you must see it. So you may never buy a bag og Tyson chicken again...but that is the point of this film...to inform us of the disgusting truth about the food we love to eat.
This film shoc

They feed these cows corn instead of grass and the cows don't digest it right which can cause their meat to be infected with E Coli. Causing widespread epidemics of E Coli breako

Well I don't want to ramble to much. You sould really just see the movie. Go rent it...please! This is an EXCELLENT documentary. A brilliant look into a world we are shunnd from learning anything about until now. It is sickening what is going on in our food, and this movie has inspired me to take a much closer look into what I'm eating. Great movie! Better be nominated for an Oscar this year! I'm calling it RIGHT NOW! Hehe.
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