Rated PG-13
(sexual content, minor nudity and language)
1 hour 48 minutes
A pushy boss forces her young assistant to marry her in order to keep her Visa status in the U.S. and avoid deportation to Canada.
Sandra Bullock
Ryan Reynolds
Critics Grade:
(Consensus: Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds exhibit plenty of chemistry, but they're let down by The Proposal’s devotion to formula.)
My Grade:
I didn't have the highest of hopes for this movie. It is a romantic comedy after all, and we all know by now that this isn't my favorite genre of film. But I heard enough good things about it through my friends (even though the critics virtually smashed this film to pieces) that gave me enough push to watch it via Netflix. I have to admit, I kind of liked this movie.
Sure it wasn't anything all that special or new, but it was charming and sweet. It wasn't over the top, and didn't try to hard to make the audience laugh. I didn't laugh a ton while watching the movie, but I still found it to be humorous, but I also liked the story. The story of course, was full of cliches and it ended the way we all knew it would end. At the same time, none of that really mattered. It was written well enough for us to lose focus of the usual romantic comedy formula, and pay more attention to the fun characters that this movie was all about.
I've secretly always been a big fan of Sandra Bullock (Speed, Crash), and I know just as well as the next person that she has had some big swing and misses in her career. But when she picks the best movie for her, when she is in her element, she rocks it! I thought she was perfect here. She was funny, she was hate-able AND likable at the same time. I loved her in this movie! Ryan Reynolds (Waiting, Smokin' Aces) has developed himself quite a fanbase, and I can understand why. He has some near perfect comedic timing, and he's great at being the funny, sometimes awkward guy. Just as he was here. The two of them together worked super well, it was a great duo!
Overall, this isn't an amazing movie. But was anyone expecting it to be? Listen, yes it's completely cliched and you know how it's all going to go down. But at least it has some unique characters that you grow to love and move the usually boring storyline in a funny direction. I liked The Proposal, you should like it too! Hehe. Oh and the best part of the movie plays right as the credits role...classic scene!
Sure it wasn't anything all that special or new, but it was charming and sweet. It wasn't over the top, and didn't try to hard to make the audience laugh. I didn't laugh a ton while watching the movie, but I still found it to be humorous, but I also liked the story. The story of course, was full of cliches and it ended the way we all knew it would end. At the same time, none of that really mattered. It was written well enough for us to lose focus of the usual romantic comedy formula, and pay more attention to the fun characters that this movie was all about.
I've secretly always been a big fan of Sandra Bullock (Speed, Crash), and I know just as well as the next person that she has had some big swing and misses in her career. But when she picks the best movie for her, when she is in her element, she rocks it! I thought she was perfect here. She was funny, she was hate-able AND likable at the same time. I loved her in this movie! Ryan Reynolds (Waiting, Smokin' Aces) has developed himself quite a fanbase, and I can understand why. He has some near perfect comedic timing, and he's great at being the funny, sometimes awkward guy. Just as he was here. The two of them together worked super well, it was a great duo!
Overall, this isn't an amazing movie. But was anyone expecting it to be? Listen, yes it's completely cliched and you know how it's all going to go down. But at least it has some unique characters that you grow to love and move the usually boring storyline in a funny direction. I liked The Proposal, you should like it too! Hehe. Oh and the best part of the movie plays right as the credits role...classic scene!

I liked this movie. I thought that Sandra and Ryan have good chemistry.