Rated R
Running time: 2 hrs 8 mins
*** out of *****
(50% Fresh Rating!)
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
** out of *****
The Premise:
Based on Washington Post columnist David Ignatius's 2007 novel about a CIA operative, Roger Ferris, who uncovers a lead on a major terrorist leader suspected to be operating out of Jordan.
I'm going to be completely honest here, I didn't really like this movie. Political thrillers aren't typically my thing, and that's essentially what this movie was. I'm sure I've said time and time again on this blog that I am so out of the loop when it comes to anything about politics, or wars, or who's fighting who, or who's the bad guy, or who is the even more bad guy...I just don't know. And that's pretty much how I felt about this movie.
This movie throws around a lot of jargon that just simply flied right over my head. I really don't think you could even explain it to me if you sat down and rattled off information for hours. Yes, I am admitting right now that I am fairly stupid when it comes to this particular subject. To me there was no part about the film I was firmly able to grasp onto and run with and say "I know what's going on now!" I don't know what character in the film was bad and what character was REALLY bad, I don't know if there was more than one terrorist cell involved in the story. I cannot explain this movie to anyone, is basically what I'm saying. I cannot honestly review this film on it's story. Well...I can by using the fact it wasn't dumbed down enough for me but that's greedy because not everyone is as dumb as me in terms of this subject.
I know it has really good performances though. Oscar nominee Leonardo DiCaprio (The Aviator, Blood Diamond) and Oscar winner Russell Crowe (A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator) had some truly stand out performances here. But that's to be expected, they have established themselves as brilliant performers.
Look, I can't say a ton about this movie and I apologize for that. So no, I didn't like the movie. I was not entertained. I was more confused than anything. But please don't take my word for it if you like these types of movies. I'm sure in that case you may like it. But if you are like me, if you know where I'm coming from, I wouldn't waste your money on the movie.
*This is the 137th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
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