Rated R
Running time: 1 hr 33 mins
**1/2 out ****
(50% Fresh Rating!)
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
** out of *****
The Premise:
A group of medical students devise a deadly game: to see which one of them can commit the perfect murder.
I don't really know what to say. Pathology is one of those movies that is geared towards a very select group of people. Who those people are, I can't honestly tell you. What I can tell you is that I'm not really one of them. This movie focuses on a group of young pathologists who literally kill the "scum of the earth" to test the other ones to see if they know how they killed them. It's a "game" as the call it. Now the premise isn't all that awful, it does teeter on being somewhat interesting.
The reason I don't really like it, is because we aren't given an insight into WHY these certain kids don't mind killing all for the thrill of some sick game. And we don't know why Milo Ventimiglia's (TV's Heroes) character, who is supposed to be the hero of the story, just suddenly joins in on the fun. Then he switches back to being the good guy. The characters just don't fit well into this story mainly because they are young and we know virtually nothing about them. Sometimes explanations are needed in movies, but in the case of Pathology, one was needed and we didn't get one.
The movie was overly gory for a movie you have to expect some carnage from. But I think it was a tad to gross for my personal liking. This movie could have also worked better as more of a psychological thriller, and maybe shyed away from so much blood and guts (literally). But that's not really a major issue, you can't really complain about the gore factor so much in a movie where it was intended. You can't nitpick details like that to much. Because then as a reviewer you just come off as being full of yourself and picking apart a movie for dumb reasons just to make yourself look like some overly intelligent movie goer. Blah!
The reason I don't really like it, is because we aren't given an insight into WHY these certain kids don't mind killing all for the thrill of some sick game. And we don't know why Milo Ventimiglia's (TV's Heroes) character, who is supposed to be the hero of the story, just suddenly joins in on the fun. Then he switches back to being the good guy. The characters just don't fit well into this story mainly because they are young and we know virtually nothing about them. Sometimes explanations are needed in movies, but in the case of Pathology, one was needed and we didn't get one.
The movie was overly gory for a movie you have to expect some carnage from. But I think it was a tad to gross for my personal liking. This movie could have also worked better as more of a psychological thriller, and maybe shyed away from so much blood and guts (literally). But that's not really a major issue, you can't really complain about the gore factor so much in a movie where it was intended. You can't nitpick details like that to much. Because then as a reviewer you just come off as being full of yourself and picking apart a movie for dumb reasons just to make yourself look like some overly intelligent movie goer. Blah!
Pathology is just simply an OK movie in my opinion, but totally forgettable in the long run.

To view this film's theatrical trailer, click this link: Pathology
*This is the 134th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
*This film is now on DVD.
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