Rated R
*** out of *****
(60% Fresh Rating!)
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
*** out of *****
The Premise:
A television reporter and her cameraman are trapped inside a building quarantined by the CDC after the outbreak of a mysterious virus which turns humans into bloodthirsty killers.
You know I can't honestly call "Quarantine" a bad movie. I was actually a bit suprised by the movie. Was it good? Not all that much. But was it entertaining? Very much so! It's the same kind of storyline we have seen over and over again: a bizzare virus finds it's way to human kind and turns them into freakish zombie like things. The only thing that really seperates this movie from the rest is the hand held camera effect. The effect was actually the best part of the movie, even though we've seen this done with a few movies already. The movie, because of this, seemed very "real". Not realistic, but the performances never seemed forced, never seemed like they were acting. I was happily suprised by the fact that there were no awful performances.
Also because of this hand held camera aspect, there is no background musical score. All we here is the people talking and the ambient sounds. Also, this makes the movie extremely quiet at times, especially when the characters are walking down hallways trying to avoid zombie people. That made the movie very creepy for me personally. I actually had to look away at some parts, which is not something I do very often. This movie genuinely freaked me out. It also grossed me out. This at times was a very disturbing film. You have guys stepping on rats and squishing them; zombies eating the flesh off people; peoples bones protruding out of their legs...the works. It's kind of nasty in parts and I gagged a few times.
Like I said, the storyline is unoriginal, but you have to expect that going into the movie. You can't see the preview and honestly say, "Hey, now there's a movie I've never seen before!" unless you never watch movies. So with that, Quarantine brings some fun entertainment and some legit scares to a genre of film that is dying quickly.
If you like a good zombie gore/scare fest...Quarantine is for you. I kinda liked it.
Also because of this hand held camera aspect, there is no background musical score. All we here is the people talking and the ambient sounds. Also, this makes the movie extremely quiet at times, especially when the characters are walking down hallways trying to avoid zombie people. That made the movie very creepy for me personally. I actually had to look away at some parts, which is not something I do very often. This movie genuinely freaked me out. It also grossed me out. This at times was a very disturbing film. You have guys stepping on rats and squishing them; zombies eating the flesh off people; peoples bones protruding out of their legs...the works. It's kind of nasty in parts and I gagged a few times.
Like I said, the storyline is unoriginal, but you have to expect that going into the movie. You can't see the preview and honestly say, "Hey, now there's a movie I've never seen before!" unless you never watch movies. So with that, Quarantine brings some fun entertainment and some legit scares to a genre of film that is dying quickly.
If you like a good zombie gore/scare fest...Quarantine is for you. I kinda liked it.

To view this film's theatrical trailer, click this link: Quarantine
*This is the 132nd new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
*This is the 132nd new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
Quarantine is quite good as a creepy and shaky horror film. But I think the original version is still far better and scarier than this.