Rated R
Running time: 1 hr 28 mins
**1/2 out of *****
(50 % Fresh Rating!)
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
* out of *****
The Premise:
A man who is being driven crazy by the noise in New York City decides to take vigilante action against it.
Simply put, Noise is just an overly silly movie. The idea of the film is pretty cheesy now that I think of it. A crazy man who hates the noise of car alarms, cell phone rings, fire alarms, sirens goes nuts and starts destroying the things that produce the noise. Look, we all hate excessive noise to a degree. We sometimes even get angry over it. But it's a bit ridiculous to dawn ourselves in black clothes and walk around in the night smashing in car windows.
Honestly, this movies story never really had much of a chance. It's as if the filmaker and cast and crew simply weren't taking it seriously. It really shows in the outcome. The movie is almost laughable. It tries to be a drama of sorts but comes off as kinda funny (in the bad way) and almost uncomfortable to watch. I felt bad for everyone involved.
Even more silly was Oscar winner Tim Robbins (Mystic River) performance. I don't know if he is nuts in real life, or just plays one to well. His performance was absurd. A major distraction. I know he's supposed to be playing a pschyo vigilante, but he too comes off very laughable. Sad, because he is in fact a great actor usually.
I just can't recommend the movie, it's way to silly and over the top to be any kind of fun. It's not even that entertaining. Blah to Noise!

*This is the 128th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
*This film is now on DVD.
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