Rated PG
Running time: 1 hr 30 mins
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
***** out of *****
Subject Matter:
Hosted by Ben Stein, this controversial documentary examines how pro-intelligent design scholars and scientists are often chastised, fired or denied tenured positions by those who believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. Nathan Frankowski's film explores how scientists who believe in God are oppressed and how the acceptance of evolution may have played a role in the formation of organizations such as the Nazi regime and Planned Parenthood.
Expelled is personally one of my favorite documentary's that I have seen. It's almost harsh in it's storytelling. There were scientists featured in this film who called regligious people "idiots" and "ignorant" because religious people believe a higher power (God) created the Earth and all mankind in what is now known as creationism. These scientists write books about how "stupid" and "un-educated" it is to not believe in Darwinism or the Theory of Evolution. I love how it's called a "Theory" but according to these people it's the only thing we should accept.
Truth is, Ben Stein is right. This country claims to be about freedom, which means we have the right to free speech and especially free thinking. Just because the "theory" of evolution isn't something I completely, whole heartedly believe in, why do I have to force my opinions and beliefs on others? People should have freedom of religion, they should have the freedom to accept or believe in anything they want. On a grand scale, there is no wrong belief or theory. Since we all individually accept our beliefs as being right, how can their be a wrong one? I'm speaking on religious terms of course. If you believe that murder is right, then you may be crazy.
There is a few parts of the movie, where real life scientists actually state what they think pro intelligent design MAY be. There is a floating theory amongsts respected men and women of science that this race of man and all living organisms may have been created by an alien life. They think it's possibble alien life evolutionized first over thousands of years and then planted "seeds" on our planet they may have created the first living organism. These same people think having a faith in God and beliving He created us, are nut jobs. Well then I guess all of us are nut cases then huh?
Ben Stein does a brilliant job at capturing both sides to this story. It is incredibly powerful and gives us a wonderful and shocking insight into the minds of some really selfish thinking people. That's just my opinion of course. Stein was perfect in his grilling of some of the more stubborn scientists. Especially in the final scene between Stein and the most severe Darwinist ever. Stein does not hold back and was not afraid to subtly poke fun at a man who really was just making fun of himself. The movie really just makes you look at the world and see how far we have come from that tiny alien seed we started off as way back in the day....
If you see this movie on a shelf somewhere at a rental store or on Netflix, please rent it. This, I believe, is a must see documentary. Really well made movie!
Ben Stein does a brilliant job at capturing both sides to this story. It is incredibly powerful and gives us a wonderful and shocking insight into the minds of some really selfish thinking people. That's just my opinion of course. Stein was perfect in his grilling of some of the more stubborn scientists. Especially in the final scene between Stein and the most severe Darwinist ever. Stein does not hold back and was not afraid to subtly poke fun at a man who really was just making fun of himself. The movie really just makes you look at the world and see how far we have come from that tiny alien seed we started off as way back in the day....
If you see this movie on a shelf somewhere at a rental store or on Netflix, please rent it. This, I believe, is a must see documentary. Really well made movie!
*This is the 139th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
*This film is now on DVD.
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