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Saturday, August 21, 2010

#45-46: Scott Pilgrim Vs. After.Life

#45: After.Life. Starring Liam Neeson and Christina Ricci. Rated R. 1 hour 44 minutes. IMDB Member Grade: 6.1 out of 10. My Grade: C+. After Life has a pretty cool premise because it's pretty mysterious. A girl a dies, or so we are lead to believe. She goes to the morgue only to awaken. The coroner tells her she is dead, but he has a gift to talk to dead people and help them move on. But she feels alive. She truly believes she is alive and he is deliberately holding her captive and pumping her full of drugs to make her appear dead to others. He has done this many times before. You don't really know what to believe most of the movie, that's why it was kind of cool. At least the first 2/3 of the movie was good. Then the finale of the movie came and it was so confusing and left way to open. Because it never really gave you never actually tells you for sure what was going on. For a straight to DVD doesn't get the right to do that. In my opinion. It had good performances from a well respected cast. It had a solid premise and it was a good movie up until the least for me. It's hard for me to recommend it or not recommend it. This is the kind of movie that will be interpreted differently but everyone. So it's up to you. I kinda liked it, but didn't really like it. Hehe.

#46: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. Starring Michael Cera. Rated PG-13. 1 hour 53 minutes. Critics Grade: 81%. My Grade: B+. Well here we finally have a movie that dares to be unique and original. This is a very stylized film that is utterly strange. From the get go it plays itself like it's an old school video game. It never lets that go. There's no sense of reality here in this movie and that's what makes it so good. From the opening scene this movie is so far stretched from reality that you have to be an idiot to criticize it on that level. Everyone in the movie is just cool with random mythical ex boyfriends coming out of nowhere and have magical powers. Everyone is OK with the fact that people are kicking the shit out of each other and killing each other (video game style - coins fall to the floor when they die). I was a bit thrown off at first by how weird this movie is, but after a while I started to love it. This movie is high octane entertainment! It is so quirky and enjoyable. It's flashy and fun. Michael Cera is getting a little old now, but at least this character was somewhat fresh for him. He doesn't play the creepy teenage virgin like he always does. He plays a creepy, and quirky 22 year old who has actually had numerous girlfriends already. It's a very funny performance because of how strange the writing is and how weird the film making was. This is just a weird ass movie but I could not help but be very entertained by it. I was pleasantly surprised!

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