Running time: 1 hr 32 mins
Brendan Fraser
Anita Briem
Josh Hutcherson
Critical consensus:
*** out of *****
Matt's Take:
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
*** out of *****
The Story and Screenplay: With a film like this, you aren't going to get an Oscar nominee caliber adapted screenplay. It's based off a classic Jules Verne novel, but let's face it, this story is geared towards children or teenagers. I may be 23, but that certainly didn't stop me from enjoying this story that kind of made me miss the movies I grew up on as a kid. Such as films like Land Before Time, Jurassic Park, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, The Goonies. People of my generation grew up with those movies, and loved them, and I feel for a while, there no longer were films these days that kids today can grow up and still cherish in their 20's and 30's. This film along with movies like Wall-E are sort of bringing that nostalgia back. This screenplay is cheesy, and obviously unbelievable, but it's fun and entertaining. What more can you honestly expect from a fantasy movie geared towards kids under 13?
The Story and Screenplay rating: *** out of ***

The Performances rating: *** out of *****
The Direction and Filmaking rating: *** out of *****
SIDE NOTE: I'd like to take a minute to say something. I have been told, and now have read reviews on this movie, about how far fetched some things are that happen in the film. There's a scene where Josh Hutcherson's character miracuously gets cell phone reception in the center of the Earth. Plausible? No. Seeing as how I can't even get reception in some part of Phoenix? Should it matter in this movie? NO! Theres a scene where Brendan Fraser fights freaky versions of venus fly traps, and then basically bitch slaps the plant, defeating it. Does this happen in real life? Who the heck knows? More importantly who the heck cares?? Reviewers have every right to not like this movie for other reasons, I can even see where they are coming from. But my goodness, has the day come where we over analyze and nitpick a PG rated family film? Not to mention this movie involves three everyday people who journey to the CENTER OF THE EARTH and don't die! Oh that's plausible right? But cell phone reception?? COME ON!! This movie is gearred towards the younger audiences. They don't care about inconsistencies. In some regard, I apparently have the mind of a child when it comes to movies. I watch a movie with an open mind and not a care in the world for inplausibilites, because all I care about is seeing a good, entertaining film with a good, fun story. These elements of cell phone reception and punching a plant, they provide humor towards this already far fetched story. Kids love it. Kids laugh at it. While I noticed these things while watching the film, I never, EVER gave it a second thought, because I just didn't care. If you see a movie thats about lawyers and at the end, they all start flying, THEN talk to me about stupid implausibilites. But when a movie, a FANTASY movie, takes place in the center of the earth where jungles grow and rivers flow, don't talk to me about things that just can't happen in a movie. It's a waste of time. Just be entertained...I can do it! Geez!
And that is my rant.
- Best Young Actor or Actress (Josh Hutcherson)
- Best Art Direction & Set Design
To view this films theatrical trailer click this link: Journey to the Center of the Earth
*This was the 54th new film I have seen and reviewed this year.
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