Running time: 1 hr 53 mins
Martin Lawrence
Joy Bryant
Cedric the Entertainer
James Earl Jones
Nicole Ari Parker
Critical consensus:
** out of *****
Matt's Take:
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
** out of *****
The premise:
A successful talk show host leaves Los Angeles to reunite with his family in the Deep South.
I'll keep this as short as possible. This is kind of like a filler movie. Something that came out in 2008 I just wanted to fill my time up, and something I could write a review on. This isn't an awful movie, and it isn't one of the worst of the year. I can see the appeal a movie like this has on people, but it just didn't work for me personally. It does have it's funny, charming little moments. However the films falls flat storywise. This is a typical and predictable movie about a person who is estranged from his family and all their quirks and comforts, and then realizes in the end his family is what he needs most, and not his rich city life. We have a very loud cast of characters here and all of them tend to be a tad annyoying by the end. Martin Lawrence (Blue Streak, Bad Boys) is getting tiresome to me. He's never been funny in my eyes. Cedric the Entertainer (Barbershop) and his routine are growing boring and old. His stand up can be hillarious, but that carisma has never tranfered to the big screen. Mike Epps (All About the Benjamins) was really the only funny part of the movie. He too got a little annoying by the end of the film though. Like I said, this is not a terrible movie, it's not a good movie, it's one of those movies that you see once just because you had nothing to do and then move on. I won't remember it by years end, and I don't know anyone who would remember it. Even its fans.
- None
To view this films theatrical trailer, click this link: Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins
*This is the 63rd new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
*This film is now on DVD.
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