Gary Cole
Danny R. McBride
Rosie Perez
Critical consensus:
Coming Soon
Matt's Take:
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
** out of *****
Danny R. McBride
Rosie Perez
Critical consensus:
Coming Soon
Matt's Take:
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
** out of *****
The premise:
A stoner and his dealer are forced to go on the run from the police after the pothead witnesses a cop commit a murder.
MY REVIEW *I saw this film a month before it's release (August 8th)*
The Story and Screenplay: This is probably one of the more dissapointing films of 2008, and it hasn't even been released yet. Seth Rogen and Even Goldberg co-wrote the film (They are also responsible for last years teen raunch fest, Superbad). Superbad was a well written film, even with all the sex humor and vulgarity. It the heart of it, it was a solid story. With Pineapple Express, we have a film whose main story is centered around pot smoking. Rogen's character witnesses a man being murdered and drives off. Not before he tosses a "roach" out of his window he was smoking, and the murderer turns out to be the drug lord who sold the weed known as "pineapple express" to Rogen's drug dealer. The story then immediately (yes theres no screwing around, the main story begins within 7 or 8 minutes of the films running) turns into an action comedy about two pot heads on the run from a murderous drug lord and his lady cop partner. When watching the previews, I thought this looked like an intriguing, original take on action comedy. Even with the story centered on pot (which normally I don't care for drug related movies). Yet watching the film, you see that they screenplay is incredibly weak. There were numerous moments of uncomfortableness, becuase myself and the audience weren't sure if they were supposed to laugh at certain parts. The jokes seemed to run on to long and evenually become redundant. There was certainly laughter from the audience, and even me, but there more than enough scenes that simply failed to impress or make anyone chuckle. The story was unoriginal, it felt like a police drama from the 70's or 80's, if that makes any sense. I honestly don't know how to describe what this movie reminds me of. I just know it was not breaking any new ground in the genre. Sad.
The Story and Screenplay rating: ** out of *****

The Performances: Again, we have standard performances here for an action comedy. No one is winning an Oscar for this. No one was expecting that of course, but hopefully you understand what I'm saying. Seth Rogen (Knocked Up, Superbad) is a fresh take for comedies of our generation. His comic delivery and timing is pitch perfect, but it only works if he's given material that's fit for him. The sad part is, he wrote his lines! You figured he'd know himself a little better. Yes, he's very funny in this film, but also just very awkward. Not in a filthy or raunchy kind of way. I would describe it as one of your friends telling a joke that was not funny, but you fake laugh anyway...that's kind of how his performance felt for me. Then we have his partner in crime, James Franco (Spiderman, Spiderman 2). I felt Franco was a little better peformance wise then his co-star. He seemed to have a higher percentage of funny moments. Also it appeared the actor was high the entire movie, not just his character. Maybe that was a requirement. The rest of the cast was average and forgettable. I'm just glad someone finally punched Rosie Perez.
The Performances rating: ** out of *****

The Direction and Filmaking: Nothing stands out as being remarkable about the filmaking of this movie. It did look kind of like a classic old 70's or 80's movie, and I think that's the feel they were trying to get at (even though I believe it takes place in present day). David Gordon Green directed this movie. He is responsible for helming one of 2008's finest films to date, Snow Angels. I had high hopes when I found this out, but ended up being dissapointed. This isn't entirely his fault, he was given material that was bland and unoriginal and did all he could with that material. The movie looks good, but like I said nothing stands out as impressive.
The Direction and Filmaking: ** out of *****
- None
To view this film's theatrical trailer, click this link: Pineapple Express
*This is the 62nd new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
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