Running time: 1 hr 41 mins
Abigail Breslin
Julia Ormond
Chris O'Donnell
Joan Cusask
Stanley Tucci
Critical consensus:
***1/2 out of *****
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
***** out of *****
The premise:
The Story and Screenplay: I want to start this off by saying that I hadn't even heard of this movie until last week. Then when I heard about it, my initial thought was: "Oh gosh here we go, another stupid Nancy Drew type little girl movie". Then the unthinkable happened: I saw the film. And even more unthinkable: I loved this film. This movie is one of the best of the year to date. Also to this date, this story, this screenplay is easily one of the best of the year. Ann Peacock's adapted screenplay (Based off the novels of the same name) is wonderful, charming, sweet and packed full of emotion. We have a story of a little girl and her friends and family growing up during the great depression. Simple enough story, but it's actually quite beautiful. This is a rated G film so it's very clean and doesn't show us the truly dark side of the time era. More over, we see it in a lightened sense, but still get the impact it leaves on these characters young and old, and then it resonates to us, the audience. We feel the emotion through the family friendly story, and there are times I felt like crying (but I didn't!). Amongst the overlapping story of the Depression, we have a story of a supposed growing 'hobo' population and everyone suspecting them of robberies that take place. Of course young Kit Kittredge, who is extremely confident and intelligent, tries to figure out the truth behind these events. This story is fun, it's emotional, it's entertaining. I'm starting to learn to suck it up and see more movies like this, what have I been missing?
The Story and Screenplay rating: ***** out of *****

The Performances: Who woulda thunk? Who possibly would have thought that this film would have some of the better and quirkiest performances of this 2008 film year? I certainly wouldn't have. The film is titled Kit Kittredge, but it isn't just about her. We have an array of characters, all so strangely different from eacthother, which gives us so much to enjoy. Starting with Oscar nominee Abigail Breslin (Little Miss Sunshine, Definitley, Maybe). She certainly is a very talented young actress. I don't know if it was just her character who was the confident one, or if it was the young actress. She plays this title character with such ease and confidence with her head held high, you would think she's been doing this for 20 years. I really hope she doesn't take the course of most young actors, or become annoying like Dakota Fanning, because Breslin is such a charming actress and she's so very good that I think she outshines a lot of actors working today. Yikes. With the supporting cast, and it's a big one, I'll touch on a few. Oscar nominee Joan Cusask (In & Out, Adams Family Values) has always been an odd character actress, and she's no different here. She plays her character with such eccentricty and quirkiness, I'm beginning to think that's her real life persona. However, she has played several subdued characters in her career, so I don't know. Personally, I loved the quirks here, I thought she was really great. Another one is Emmy and Golden Globe winner Stanley Tucci (The Terminal, The Devils Wears Prada). Now he isn't cooky like Cusak (how's that for a sitcom name??) but I've always been a fan. He always delivers such poise and subtleness in his performances that he goes unnoticed. With that though, he is very good in this film. The rest of the cast: Julia Ormond, Chris O'Donnell, Jane Krakowski, Glenne Headly, Zach Mills, Max Thieriot, Willow Smith, and even Colin Mochrie (Whose Line is it Anyway?) all deserve attention, but the cast is so big I don't have time to write about all of them. This is an excellent cast though, all of them are very very good. Yes, even Colin Mochrie is good in this film and he's involved in one of the more touching scenes in the film. Bravo cast!
The Performances rating: ***** out of *****
The Direction and Filmaking: I don't know how much more I can go on about how good this movie truly is, so I'll make this section quick. I love movies that take place in the 20's and 30's era, I wish I could go back in time to visit it. Obviously I can't, and that's why I praise movies like this, becuase when the director and crew do a good job at recreating this time period, it allows me, and audiences to immense ourselves in this life style. The art direction, the costuming and makeup, are all top notch here. Beautiful camera work, etc. This is a just a solid, well crafted film.
The Direction and Filmaking rating: ***** out of *****
- Best Dramatic Motion Picture
- Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Stanley Tucci)
- Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Joan Cusack)
- Best Young Actor or Actress (Abigail Breslin)
- Best Cast in a Live Action Motion Picture
- Best Adapted Screenplay
- Best Director
- Best Art Direction & Set Design
- Best Musical Scoring
- Best Hero
To view this films theatrical trailer, click this link: Kit Kittredge: An American Girl
*This is the 55th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
It really is a surprisingly good, simple film that's great to take kids to if you get sick of the overexposed summer fare. Go see it, even if you're an adult with no kids.