Rated PG-13
Running time: 1 hr 38 mins
Briana Evigan
Robert Hoffman
Adam G. Sevani
Will Kemp
Critical consensus:
** out of *****
Matt's Take:
Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:
** out of *****
Romantic sparks occur between two dance students from different backgrounds at the Maryland School of the Arts.
There really isn't a whole heck of a lot to comment on for this movie. You know I don't understand why we have to be subjected to a slew of hip-hop dance movies with no attempts at actual storylines. Step Up 2 offers us nothing groundbreaking in a screenplay and really delivers no true inspiration from its characters. This a well below average story and I really don't know what the point of it was for us to get. We see and hear glimpses of some of the main characters personal lives, but really this movie, like so many of these films, are all about the dancing. That's where this movie impresses me personally. I really stopped paying attention to the lack of good dialogue, the uninteresting characters and the weak performances by the cast. When these people started dancing, you kind of can't take your eyes of the screen. Pretty much all of it is simply put, really cool. In particular that final "dance-off" in the rain was quite awesome. Sadly all the dancing is compacted into a fictional film with one dimensional characters and a cliched attmept at a storyline. My question is: why can't they just make a documentary or even a mockumentary about life of hip-hop dancers on the streets? Seeing real life people doing this and actually learning about them would be far more intriguing then what we have to see two or three times a year in films like this.
- None
*This is the 69th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.
*This film is now on DVD.
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