I may or may not continue the full TV recaps I was doing last week. They can be kind of tedious to write about sometimes. So I may only do them occasionally. Last night I had 7 shows, and that's a lot to write about right now. But I will mention that HBO's "Life's Too Short" was yet another fantastic and hilarious episode. Mad props to Warrick Davis because that man is one funny mother fracker. Anyway, the biggest show of Sunday night was without a doubt, AMC's 'The Walking Dead'. A major event occurred that will set up what looks to be one hell of a season finale.
The episode picked up I'm guessing maybe a day or so after Dale's death last week as they were burying him in a pretty touching opening scene. The first half of the episode was following the group as they were finally allowed to move inside Hershels house. Carl admitted to Shane it was the zombie he let lose that killed Dale. Then Carl and Rick had a talk about it. Meanwhile Rick has decided to set their prisoner free and drop him off somewhere remote much to the disapproval of Shane. Throughout the episode Shane clearly is deteriorating slowly. He's been falling into madness all season. He ends up cutting the prisoner loose, taking him out to the middle of the woods and killing him. This was clearly the point where you knew Shane was at the end of his life. The final 20 minutes of the episode are quite spectacular. As some of the group go looking for the escaped prisoner, not knowing he is dead. Shane and Rick pair off looking and Daryl and Glenn pair off. Eventually they would go on to find their missing prisoner..as a zombie. But only to realize he was not bitten or scratched.
The big moment came though in the last 10 minutes. The moment that everyone has been talking about and the moment everyone has been expecting. The Rick Vs. Shane showdown...and this is the showdown where someone was going to finally die. This moment was one of the most intense scenes this show has ever had. There were times during their confrontation where I thought Shane was going to shoot Rick. Maybe all the press releases were sent out on purpose to throw us off course. Maybe it was all a big joke to hide the fact that Rick was going to die and not Shane. I know that wasn't really the case, but the scene was so god damn tense that I just didn't know! Finally it ends with Rick stabbing Shane right in the heart and killing him. Rick screams "you made me do this!!" in tears so you can tell this was the hardest thing he ever had to do. But he knew it had to happen. Shane had officially fallen off the edge and was endangering everyones lives. Not to mention Shane led Rick to the field to kill him. So Rick had no choice. The whole scene was making my heart race!

Rick sat there and seemed to waiting for something as his son Carl walks up shocked to see Shane dead. Rick approaches him and Carl points his gun up. Shane had gotten up and was now a zombie! Carl shoots him dead. Rick seemed to waiting for Shane to turn even though he knew he wasn't bitten. They have been hinting at this a few times the past few episodes, and now twice in one episode. Now I've never read the comic book series, but I'm going to assume that all the survivors are already infected with the zombie outbreak and when they die, they turn. From what I understand we will get some answers next week in an epic looking battle. We will probably also learn what that whisper was all about during the first season finale.
Last nights episode was just an awesome hour of television. Next to "Breaking Bad" (check out my take on that show by clicking: here), also on AMC, "The Walking Dead" is the best show on TV. It's a show that takes place during a zombie apocalypse but the real threat are the humans. Shane proved this point more so than anyone else on the show. Jon Berenthal, who played Shane, was a fantastic actor and gave an incredible performance, especially last night. But he had to die. There was no way that character could go forth in the show the way he was. His character died in the first volume of the comic book series. I read an article today that said if season one was 13 episodes, Shane would have been dead at the end. But given that it was only 6, they used it as an opportunity to expand that storyline to its fullest.
Last nights episode was just an awesome hour of television. Next to "Breaking Bad" (check out my take on that show by clicking: here), also on AMC, "The Walking Dead" is the best show on TV. It's a show that takes place during a zombie apocalypse but the real threat are the humans. Shane proved this point more so than anyone else on the show. Jon Berenthal, who played Shane, was a fantastic actor and gave an incredible performance, especially last night. But he had to die. There was no way that character could go forth in the show the way he was. His character died in the first volume of the comic book series. I read an article today that said if season one was 13 episodes, Shane would have been dead at the end. But given that it was only 6, they used it as an opportunity to expand that storyline to its fullest.
How can you not love this show???? ITS AMAZING!!!
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