So we are in a brand new month, and we are starting to get into the time of the year when the good movies start to roll in. January and February are typically known to produce some pretty crappy movies (not always, but usually). March starts to shows signs of life. However, it appears the box office this year has vastly improved over last year around this time. The past 2 years have been duds overall for ticket sales. I don't know if it's people not caring for the movies that have been released or people not able to afford the rising cost of movie tickets given all the 3D and IMAX releases. We have a slew of huge movies coming out in the next few months though. Big sequels and remakes that are sure to rake in some serious cash.

This weekend there are two bigger movies being released. The biggest one should be "Dr. Seusses The Lorax" starring the voice talents of Danny Devito, Zac Effron, Ed Helms, and Taylor Swift. Bases on one of Seusses popular books, The Lorax is about a 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world. The movie is apparently being called a PSA for protecting our environment while still entertaining kids of all ages. It's currently sitting at a 58% on Rotten Tomatoes. I plan to see it sometime this weekend.
The other movie is Todd Phillips (The Hangover) hand held camera party comedy "Project X" starring Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper, Jonathan Daniel Brown, and Dax Flame. Project X is about 3 high school seniors who throw a birthday party to make a name for themselves. As the night progresses, things spiral out of control as word of the party spreads. The movie is currently sitting at 26% on Rotten Tomatoes. If I have some free time this weekend, I'll check it out.
I fully expect "The Lorax" to take the box office this weekend probably with somewhere over $20 million. Last week's champ "Act of Valor" about real life Navy Seals will probably drop to number 2 or 3. I don't know how well Project X will be received given that I've barely seen any major ads for the film. But it could be one of those surprise hits that will appeal to the teenage crowd. It is rated R though, so not a lot of teens will be able to legally get into the movie. But it will still probably pull in some decent numbers. I don't think The Lorax will be a huge success, but a lot parents will be taking their kid to it, and movies like that usually have a good first weekend.
So we will see how it all turns out!
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