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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Community" Returns!!

I just wanted to take a moment to say how excited I am for the return of NBC's "Community"!!! It returns with all new episodes Thursday March 15th (TOMORROW!!) on NBC.

The show has been off the air since December to make room for such utter comedic failures as "Whitney" and "Are You There Chelsea?" and caused an uproar in the "Community" community. If there is a time for everyone to start watching this show, it's NOW! It's so close to being cancelled, it's just a matter of time. NBC just doesn't see the love this show truly has. The show never has a dull moment and I promise you, it is so damn funny! If you like movies, you will love Community, because there are so many episodes where they do film parodies.

I wrote a lengthy blog on the show a while ago, if you haven't seen it, check it out by clicking: Community.  So I won't ramble on to much on this post about how AMAZING the show is. You can check out the DVD's, season one and two are available and you can catch up on season 3 on Hulu,, or IMDB. You won't regret it! This is my plea to all 10 of you who actually read my silly blog and who don't watch the show.

The show creators promise some good moments coming up including a parody episode of "Law & Order". They also say there will be a hook up on the show that no one will see coming! My guess is maybe Troy and Britta. They have vaguely hinted at it a few times.

Also, in similar news, Comedy Central has picked up Community to air episodes in syndication! They will air season one through three so far. Not sure on what dates.

But tune in Thursday night on NBC!! WATCH COMMUNITY! PLEASE!

To finish this post in regards to my happiness for the return of the show I will leave you with this quote:

     " cool cool" - Abed.

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