Running time: 1 hr 35 mins
Forest Whitaker
Brendan Fraser
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Andy Garcia
Kevin Bacon
Critical consensus (www.rottentomatoes.com):
*1/2 out of *****
My consensus:
**** out of *****
The premise: A drama based on an ancient Chinese proverb that breaks life down into four emotional cornerstones: happiness, pleasure, sorrow and love. A businessman bets his life on a horse race; a gangster sees the future; a pop star (Gellar) falls prey to a crime boss; a doctor must save the love of his life.
My review: I'm a little surprised this film was not accepted by the national critics. I thought it was a beautiful take on the four cornerstones mentioned above (happiness, pleasure, sorrow and love). Its about these characters who to actually feel something in their lives, and not feel like just another person. They want to experience emotions they have yet to be accustomed to. And I think we can all relate to that, and this film does a great job relaying that message. The filmaking style here is similar to movies such as Magnolia and Crash, wherein its a film about separate characters whose lives interweave in their stories. Now The Air I Breathe doesn't quite reach the level of greatness as said films, but certainly makes it's mark. The direction and screenplay are beautiful and the performances are stunning by some unlikely actors. Brendan Fraser and Sarah Michelle Gellar who haven't really alway been known for their great acting abilities really shine here. And vets like Andy Garcia, Kevin Bacon and Andy Garcia just add to a list of breathtaking performances for this film. This is one you should all see!
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