Running time: 2 hrs 28 mins
Sarah Jessica Parker
Kim Catrall
Kristin Davis
Cynthia Nixon
Critical consensus (www.rottentomatoes.com):
**1/2 out of *****
My consensus:
*1/2 out of *****
The premise: A New York writer on sex and love is finally getting married to her Mr. Big. But her three best girlfriends must console her after one of them inadvertently leads Mr. Big to jilt her.
My review: Yes ladies, those four supposedly stunning bombshells that once inhabited HBO, are now on the silver screen, bigger, and older than ever! Theres something familiar about this movie, what was it again, oh yes, it's the 'I've Seen This Movie 1000 times already' factor. While "Sex and the City" may have worked well on cable television (I will never really know, I haven't seen more than 15 minutes of the comedy), it sadly is nothing more than a cliched chick flick we've seen over, and over again every year.
Let's be honest here girls, if the show never existed, and this was a stand alone movie, would you REALLY have enjoyed it? Probably. Women eat this crap up. This false perception of love and marriage. That everyday, a man and women set to marry, man gets cold feet and runs away, women hates man, man apologizes daily, 6 or 7 months later, they realize they truly are meant for each other and end up getting married. Sorry, did I ruin the storyline for all you Sex and the City fans? Yeah, Carrie and Mr. Big (played boringly by Chris Noth) get married in the end. But how can you HONESTLY be surprised by that?
I know Sex and the City has been called an original and risque look on women and love in New York, but the film shows none of that originality, if it really did exist on the show. I can't harp on it to much though, this is a genre of film where I knew what I was getting into. I knew I could predict every "twist" and "turn" of this film, so it's partially my fault for walking into the theater in the first place. I have made it known that the 'Chick Flick' genre is one I generally detest, this film has not altered my look on the genre.
Moving on, I love how women (not ALL women, but a lot) in todays world sometimes critisize men for liking films that feature grotesque and raunchy humor, constant sex jokes, full frontal female nudity and plethora of bowel movement jabs. I find it funny because, the Sex and the City Movie contains ALL of this which the women in my theater were laughing hysterically over. Raunchy sex jokes mainly from Kim Catrall (the one true bright spot of the 4 women), a disgusting scene where a women literally goes number two in her pants, a few scenes showing frontal bareness of women, etc. Don't be hypocrites here ladies, you know some of you have pointed your disgusted finger at guys for liking those stupid 'Guy Movies', but here some of you are holding your stomaches in laughter at the same stuff in this movie. Come on now.
But who am I to judge, I enjoy films that other people don't like. That's the way it works with people. That's the fun of being a true movie fan, is the butting of heads over certain movies. So no, I didn't like this movie. At all. It was by no means a movie I will say is the worst of 2008, but is by no means a movie I will say is in the top 25 of 2008. The four women: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Catrall, Cynthia Nixon and Kristen Davis, it pains me to say, were relatively entertaining, especially the witty and sharp Catrall. The rest of the supporting characters I felt were mere cameos and didn't have much impact on the film (other than Chris Noth's Mr. Big), but when it comes down to it, it is about these four friends, usually thinking only of themselves. Performance wise, they were pretty good, character wise, they wouldn't be people I'd respect in real life. But that's just me.
Hey Mikey, I am a fan of the show and loved it! It cleared up a few loose ends. Also, loved the fashions!