Smart People (Rated R)
Running time: 1 hr 35 mins
Dennis Quaid
Sarah Jessica Parker
Ellen Page
Thomas Hayden Church
Sarah Jessica Parker
Ellen Page
Thomas Hayden Church
Critical consensus (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/)
**1/2 out of *****
My consensus:
**** out of *****
The premise: Into the life of a widowed professor comes a new love and an unexpected visit from his adopted brother.
My review: Smart People is one of the top dramatic films of 2008 to date. I found all the characters to be uniquely interesting, and their story was sad and depressing, but true to life. I appreciate the writers, whose screenplay here is pretty good, didn't glorify or 'hollywood' up this story of human flaws. The story worked a lot due to the fine acting of all the major players in the cast. Dennis Quaid was a perfect casting choice. Sarah Jessica Parker who I don't care for, and still don't care for, was actually very good and quite standable here. Thomas Hayden Church has always been a good actor when he plays these nutso characters. Ellen Page was solid as well, except I have a concern that she is going to be type cast with this "Juno" smart-ass rebelious teenager/twenty something. She's very good at it, but I hope she doesn't make a Will Ferrell/Anchorman career out of it if you know what I mean.
My advice: See it!
Smart people is ok kind of film. I will prefer to watch this film by sitting at home. It is not worth spending money on it...The problem is that it has some funny moments, but they're not what you would call laugh out loud.