Kung Fu Panda (Rated PG)
Running time: 1 hr 32 mins
Voice Cast:
Jack Black
Dustin Hoffman
Angelina Jolie
Ian McShane
Jackie Chan
Seth Rogen
Lucy Liu
David Cross
Critical consensus (www.rottentomatoes.com):
***1/2 out of *****
My consensus:
****1/2 out of *****
The premise: Po the Panda is one of the laziest animals in all of the Valley of Peace, but unwittingly becomes the chosen one when enemies threaten their way of life.
My review: I had my own personal and silly reservations about seeing this movie. Namely, it was those tiresome and ridiculous "silence your cell phone" ads featuring the Panda, I had to deal with for every movie I saw. Plus it was the actual preview of the film I saw way to many times. Also, I've never been a Jack Black fan, and don't typically flock to his films. However, I have got nothing but good feedback about the movie from my good friend Matt (http://theprezzies.blogspot.com/) and a film buff co-worker of mine, so I caved in and saw the movie.
I'll tell you what, I love being wrong about movies. It is in the opinion of this reviewer that Dreamworks Animation (Shrek series) finally has a brought us a film to be considered a classic for their "vault" and for my own liking. Pixar has their classic (Toy Story), and while Panda doesn't quite reach the nostalgic brilliance of the Toy Story films, it still leaves its mark. We have here a great film that can certainly entertain the whole family. The story was cute and almost "inspiring", which I use the term loosely of course, for this is an animated kids film. But it's a story that can resonate in my and audiences hearts as being classic and heartwarming.
The voice-over cast is really brilliant here. As I mentioned before, I have never been a followe of Jack Black's career. I've always found his on screen personality, with his stupid faces and weird manerisms, to be almost attention seeking. Let's be honest, he can be a little over the top in his attempts to amuse us. Its never truly worked for me. Earlier this year he was more subdued in the film Be Kind Rewind, and I appreciated his performance in that. Even better now, he's not actually on-screen in Panda. When you put an animated Panda over Jack Blacks persona, he can be really funny, as he was in the film. I wasn't distracted by those dumb faces and manerisms, but very amused by his perfect delivery. He made the Panda character one of the most loveable animated characters in recent film history. The rest of the cast, listed above is very good. Dustin Hoffman is great as the master, and very funny.
So I have to say, I really urge you all to see this movie, if you haven't already. Whatever reservations you may have for it, whether it being Jack Black or the fact that Dreamworks Animation never has truly wowed you; please see this film, you won't be dissapointed.
This movie is a perfect blend of all the major elements that we all wanted in a good movie. Certainly its a movie for kids but I am sure whole family can enjoy it. I rate this movie 10 out of 10.