Running time: 1 hr 31 mins
Will Ferrell
Woody Harrelson
Andre Benjamin
Critical consensus (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/):
** out of *****
My consensus:
**1/2 out of *****
The premise: Jackie Moon, the owner-coach-player of the American Basketball Association's Flint Michigan Tropics, rallies his teammates to make their NBA dreams come true.
My review: I feel like I am watching Will Ferrells slow spiral down to the end of his reign of popularity. Actually let me say first, I liked Semi-Pro, it was funny. The story was dumb and corny, the acting was over the top and cheesey; but that's what these movies are all about: corniness. But I feel that's all this movie had, was some pretty good humor. I'm getting tired of Ferrell playing this same character over and over. It was a breakthrough in "Anchorman" a few years ago, but with Semi-Pro and "Blades of Glory" he's sort of overstaying his welcome. I like Ferrell in movies like "Stranger than Fiction" he can do dramedy, he's capable of being a good actor. But he cheats himself out in movies like this. This type of comedy is already a dying breed. Semi-Pro is a funny movie worth seeing once, but as a movie, it isn't "good".
My advice: Semi-See it!
*This film is now on DVD.
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