Meet the Spartans (Rated PG-13)
Running time: 1 hr 24 mins
Sean Maguire
Carmen Electra
Kevin Sorbo
Diedrich Bader
Carmen Electra
Kevin Sorbo
Diedrich Bader
Critical consensus (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/)
0 out of *****
My consensus:
0 out of *****
The premise: A spoof film, ripping off action films.
My review: Meet the Spartans is utter garbage. This is by far a film that will be one of the worst five films of the year. It doesn't even try to be seriously funny. I think the only audience that would laugh sincerely more than twice is a theater full of third or fourth graders. It obviously isn't a movie meant to be taken seriously, but come on, at least attempt to be humorous. But instead we get more Brittney Spears jokes, outdated "your mamma" jokes, and countless scenes of Carmen Electra dancing around half naked. Great, my kind of comedy.
My advice: Stay far away from this and please...Skip it!
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