Running time: 1 hr 39 mins
Tina Fey
Amy Poehler
Greg Kinnear
Dax Shepard
Critical consensus (www.rottentomatoes.com):
*** out of *****
My consensus:
** out of *****
The premise: A successful, single businesswoman who dreams of having a baby discovers she is infertile and hires a working class woman to be her unlikely surrogate.
My review: There isn't a whole lot to be said about Baby Mama. The movie shows brief moments of charm, but ultimately falls flat and forgettable. I wish Tina Fey would have actually wrote the film, she's a great, witty writer (Mean Girls, Saturday Night Live), but instead Michael McCullers screenplays becomes another clichéd and predictable baby comedy. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely moments where I genuinely laughed, due part to Tina Fey’s great delivery, and Amy Poehlers off the wall character. But sadly, that's really all the movie had going for it. I expected more, but was disappointed in the long run.
Thanks a lot for sharing this review. I do have planned to watch this movie but now after knowing so much about this movie I dropped my plan. I am grateful to you for saving my time and money too.