Running time: 1 hr 37 mins
Anton Yelchin
Robert Downey Jr.
Hope Davis
Kat Dennings
Critical consensus (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/):
**1/2 out of *****
My consensus:
****1/2 out of *****
The premise: A rich kid becomes the self-appointed psychiatrist to the student body of his new high school.
My review: Charlie Bartlett, in my opinion, is the first great drama of 2008. The first of I'm sure many to come. I just loved this movie, I loved the story, I loved the characters. A few cliches aside, Charlie Bartlett is virtually a pretty realistic look on high school life. There are numerous kids in high school who would do anything just to fit in and blend in with the cool kids. Some are to afraid to do it, some attempt it but get bullied. Thats the tough life of high school, and this film depicts that very well. Then you have the actual story, about Charlie Bartlett played incredibly and charasmatically by young actor Anton Yelchin (Alpha Dog, Hearts in Atlantis). He tries to fit in by offering psychological advice to fellow studends in the boys restroom. He also sells them pretty strong medication. Cooky little story, but its pretty effective. The supporting cast is brilliant. Namely Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) and Hope Davis (Arlington Road, American Splendor). Both portray their deeply scarred characters very effectively in two of the best performances of the year to date. As does Yelchin. A superbly acted film. A must see!
My advice: A must See it!
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