Running time: 1 hr 30 mins
Dennis Quaid
Matthew Fox
Forest Whitaker
William Hurt
Sigourney Weaver
Critical consensus (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/)
** 1/2 out of *****
My consensus:
***1/2 out of *****
The premise: The attempted assassination of the American President is told and re-told from several different perspectives.
My review: A type of movie that film audiences today aren't familiar with nor do they really appreciate. The movie is literally told from 6 or 7 different points of view. Once one perspective of the event is shown, the film rewinds back to the beginning of the story and we then see the events through the eyes of another main character. I think, a really neat idea! However, several people in the audience squirmed in their seats and mumbled under the breath, or just plain out laughed and said "get on with it already!" after the 4th time in rewound. You have to know what type of movie this is from the previews. The movie is called Vantage Point. Get over it, or leave the theater early and get your money back. Geez. But with the cool filmaking technique blended with some really cool action moments, you have an above average thriller here. I really enjoyed it. I was a bit thrown off by Dennis Quaids performance, I think he was a little too eccentric or nuts for my liking. But its an action movie, you don't usually get phenomenal performances from them. Theirs a "twist" in the middle which the previews sadly give away so no one is actually suprised. The "twist" at the end is also not very suprising. The storyline had some cracks and holes, but again, this is action movie...who cares?
My advice: See it!
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