In Bruges (Rated R) (excessive foul language and violence)
Running time: 1 hr 47 mins
Cast: Colin Farrell
Brendan Gleeson
Brendan Gleeson
Ralph Fiennes
Critical consensus (http://www.rottentomatoes.com/):
****1/2 out of *****
***1/2 out of *****
The premise:
My review: I won't lie, originally, when I saw the preview for this film many months ago, I didn't want to see it. About a month or so ago, I had seen that the film actually received good reviews, and then a feHoled up in Bruges, Belgium after a difficult job, two hit men begin to differ on their views of life and death as they become used to local customs.
w days ago, my dad saw it and loved it and told me I should see it. So I did. Boy was I wrong. This is a friggen great independent flick!
w days ago, my dad saw it and loved it and told me I should see it. So I did. Boy was I wrong. This is a friggen great independent flick!
The story and the characters are so off the way and weird, it just makes for a dang good time in this movie. The underlining story of the film is serious and kind of dark, but on the surface it's played out almost comical. Yes, this can be a pretty funny movie. So what we get, is one of my ever so favorite genres: the Dramedy. A dramatic story with dramactic characters with comedic undertones.
The story is basically two hit-men are hiding out in a small town in Belgium called Bruges (pronounced brooge), after a hit went horrifically bad for one of them, and now they are awaiting instructions from their boss. So now both of them are trying to adapt to the life of a person living in Bruges. Brendan Gleesons (Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, Lake Placid) characters loves the small little medieval town. He wants to visit all the old buildings and take part in seeing some drops of Jesus Christs actual blood. Just see it, you will understand. Colin Farrell (Phone Booth, Minority Report) hates the town and tries anything to leave. Until he meets a beautiful Belgium actress and dwarf filming a movie, and then lets just say his interest is peaked...a tad. See now thats the funny part.
You then have the real story, of Colin Farrells hit gone wrong, and it's eating him alive and he's trying to figure out how he can go on living knowing what he did. He has some truly brilliant moments in this film, this is without a doubt his finest performance. He should stick to that irish accent of his in all his roles, because it makes him more real of an actor. But he's funny when need be, and serious at other times, a performance you have to see. Brendal Gleeson is great here too, he's a very good actor, but sadly, still quite unknown. Ralph Fiennes who doesn't appear on screen until the final act is also really great!
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