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Saturday, September 6, 2008


Rated R

Running time:
1 hr 28 mins


Josh Hartnett

Naomie Harris
Adam Scott
Robin Tunney

Critical consensus:

** out of *****
(35% Fresh Rating!)

Matt's take:

Has Not Viewed

Mikey @ The Movies Official Rating:

** out of *****

The premise:

August centers on two brothers fighting to keep their start-up company afloat on Wall Street during August 2001, a month before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.


I don't know why the premise of this film mentions the fact that the movie takes place a month before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Not one point in the actual movie is 9/11 mentioned. It has nothing to do with terrorists, nothing to do with the President, nothing to do with the government. It's about a start up dot com company that struggles to stay afloat. Josh Hartnett (Sin City, Halloween H20) plays the hardass young owner of the company who uses and abuses his employees including his smarter than the average bear brother. In the end he learns a valuable lesson on family and friendship.

Eh, I didn't get much from this movie. It's just another one of those movies that flys severely under the radar and no one even knows it exists. I'm just one of those weird people who searches out films like this. The movie is just a pice of dirt in the wind in this world of five new movies a weekend. Even if a ton of people saw the movie, I don't think many would even remember it. It holds no lasting image. It has no great importance in the current cinematic universe. It's a very generic movie that tries to do to much.

It has great performances, especially from Hartnett. His careers seems to have completely died, where has this kid been? He's never been recognized as a great actor, and really he isn't in the grand scheme of amazing actors. Here though, he shows that he does have the potential. I just don't think anyone really notices therefore he isn't in many films. He had maybe a minute role in Sin City, doesn anyone else remember? The rest of the cast was impressive but sadly forgettable.

I don't even know if you will see this movie sitting on the shelves of your local video rental store, but if you do see it, my suggestion would be to skip it. Theres really no entertainment value to any of the film.

To view this films theatrical trailer, click this link: August

*This is the 99th new film I've seen and reviewed this year.

*This film is now on DVD.

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